Thursday, December 19, 2019
timothy - PM - all class i think 2.5hrs - open lab tardis
today for open lab i worked on tardis. not the hardware part of it but the code part. we decided to try and make there be a light at the top and when the door opens it will do something like play the doctor who theme or something like that. so i was working with the arduino and try and make some code for the project.
Maya- PM- 3 hours-stuff
I helped nicolas with his seven segment display for a while and worked on his counter, and then we worked on different combinations of code to make the timer change. THen we looked at some code for the dog food project, and I also worked on playing around with the 4 display 7 segments, and I wanted to get the letters to wrap around the display. It doesn't really work though, and I didn't have enough time to figure out why.
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Saul Payan-60 min-open lab
Today during open lab I worked on my Skills USA robot.
I figured that the Dewey claw we are using isn't strong enough to open the mailbox. It just slips off. I plan to make a 3-D printed hook mechanism that will be mounted on one side of the claw to be able to open the mailbox door easier.
I figured that the Dewey claw we are using isn't strong enough to open the mailbox. It just slips off. I plan to make a 3-D printed hook mechanism that will be mounted on one side of the claw to be able to open the mailbox door easier.
I figured that the Dewey claw we are using isn't strong enough to open the mailbox. It just slips off. I plan to make a 3-D printed hook mechanism that will be mounted on one side of the claw to be able to open the mailbox door easier.
I figured that the Dewey claw we are using isn't strong enough to open the mailbox. It just slips off. I plan to make a 3-D printed hook mechanism that will be mounted on one side of the claw to be able to open the mailbox door easier.
Kyle Todd - PM - Open Lab - 1 Hour
Today I worked on tweaking my letter since mine didn't come out right the first time. I also help move some more stuff from the halloween haunted house ad helped Mr. Burnham move a giant ramp from his car to the class with help from my classmate Saul. I also decided to study a little bit for My final exam tomorrow.
Working on the new lesson like 34 mins then then we have a break for 15 mins then work on the for rest of the day.
CIndy - PM - 1HR - Mechatronics Letter & C++ Class
Today in open lab, I altered my Mechatronics Letter "H". When it was printed out, te lines were not thick enough. Therefore, it easily broke off. In order to fix this, I added thick rectangles in replacements of hte thin lines. After that, I rippd off the excess material from my letter using pliers. Then, I worked on the Cisco C++ class. I learned about container adapters and how they need to be provided with a proper object container in order to work.
timothy - PM - 1 hour - 7 segment thing and
today for open lab i worked on the 7 segment display and made it work with all the numbers and also helped angel make it work and make code for it. Then i tried making the display show all the numbers and letters and made a pattern for the display. and we watched the video on the pakage stealing thing and the trap/prank thing.
Maya- 1 hour-PM-Python and Pi
For my robot club we researched Raspberry PI and Python based on the book on the bookshelf. We are using it instead of the arduino because it can communicate with the internet and we need to do that. We looked through page 81 which talked about communicating with the internet, and also the fist 30 pages which we a sort of basic how to when it comes to coding with Python and the raspberry Pi program.
Christopher Hernandez - AM - 1 hour - Dewey
For the first 15 minutes I finished drawing the data sheet of the 8 segment cathode display. I wrote down all the segments, but I found out some of the segments weren’t in the right order. That’s why I had to work on this during open lab time.
For urban search and rescue, I was practicing on how to pick up the red block. If the block was on the ground, Dewey can’t pick it up since it’s too high. But the biggest problem Dewey has is that the arm of Dewey is too short to reach within the mailbox.
I plan to extend the arm of Dewey, and change the controls of Dewey so it’s more easier to control.
For urban search and rescue, I was practicing on how to pick up the red block. If the block was on the ground, Dewey can’t pick it up since it’s too high. But the biggest problem Dewey has is that the arm of Dewey is too short to reach within the mailbox.
I plan to extend the arm of Dewey, and change the controls of Dewey so it’s more easier to control.
Mateo Chacon - Open Lab 12/17/2019
Today in open lab I sat in the back with Jon, Kylie, and Ivan and I worked on my homework for finals. I was working on a website that is due today and apart of my final.
Connor Guzikowski AM 1 Hour Root Club
Today for Robot Club I was able to control a 7-segment LED device. I hooked up all of the pins on the 7-segment LED to the corresponding pins on the arduino, and started to write code. I wrote code to create different functions that are named after the numbers that is being displayed. Some difficulties I encountered where: not turning the LED pins off in the code, not declaring the pins as an output. After finding solutions to these problems, I was able to create a counter for the 7-segment display.
Today During Open lab We worked Mr. Burnham let us work on homework from our home school. Mateo, Jon, Kylie, and I sat in the back to table to avoid distraction. I was studying for my final in Math class. Once I finished we were talking about or robot club project code. We split up the parts. We expect to work on this in the future.
AM (1hr) Hydro Car
- watched video 1 and 2
- took apart the assembled parts (that didn't follow the instructional youtube videos)
- taped the fans so dust wouldn't get in when sawing
- difficulty with which tool to use to cut off excess plastic --> Mr.Burnham said he'll cut it off
- next time, we'll continue with video 3 and start assembling rather than drilling or prepping
- took apart the assembled parts (that didn't follow the instructional youtube videos)
- taped the fans so dust wouldn't get in when sawing
- difficulty with which tool to use to cut off excess plastic --> Mr.Burnham said he'll cut it off
- next time, we'll continue with video 3 and start assembling rather than drilling or prepping
Austin Latour AM- 45mins open lab
Today was not as productive as it should have been to be honest. I had a chat with Mr. Burnham, who told me that I should learn python over the break so I can code my project in python instead of c. I have taken a break from my project for the time being, until the break as finals are this week and time to work on it at home does not exist at eh moment.
Trey AM 60 minutes Cell Reduction
Today I worked on my part of the hydrogen car, step one of the building process, which involved Stephanie and I cutting down the hydrogen cell motor to reduce weight and size to allow it to fit into the modified chassis Dylan and Ali were building. We were unable to finish as we couldn't cut down the last piece, but tomorrow we hope to have it finished and then work on step three which is the construction of the front axles.
Dylan AM 12/17 60 minutes hydrogen car
What I Did
- Worked on chassis of hydro car
- Drilled extra holes into the bottom plate
- Used 3mm bit
- Used a larger bit to simulate a countersink bit
- Trey and Steph did the fuel cell
What Worked
- The imitation countersink bit worked well
What Didn't Work
- Cutting the fuel cell metal arms
- the first attempt at countersink too deep
What I'm doing next
- attaching wheels and motor to the chassis
Monday, December 16, 2019
Raymond Linton-Kirton - PM - Open Lab - 1 hour
Today for open lab, me and my team mates worked on our Vex Robot project. It was going good until we couldn't find most of the parts we needed for building the robot. Other than that we didn't have any other problems during the project. Hopefully tomorrow, we find the parts we need.
Kyle Todd - PM - 1 Hour - Open Lab
Today I rebuilt the camera tower finally and just waiting to put a platform base on it and cement it. I also got the new wifi camera for the tower from Mr. Burnham today. We are progressing even closer today as the semester closes in on me. But we should finish this by the end of friday this week we are so close to completing it but until then see you next time..
PM michael hour 30 min
so worked on robot and made some progress and that was fun even though I mested up on one of the parts constructions
Cindy - PM - 1HR - Cisco Class & Tardis
Today in open lab, I worked on the Cisco C++ class for the first half and the Tardis during hte second half. In the C++ class, I learned about collections, sizes, and iterators. After finishing two sections, I worked on the Tardis. For the Tardis Project, we sanded the edges of the pieces for the top of the Tardis. Next time for open lab, we are going to assemble the pieces together.
timothy chan - PM - 1 hour - open lab
today for open lab i worked on the tardis project with angel and cindy. we were just taking the peices we already cut and making them straight and look nice before we glue them together. We sanded them down to make the edges straighter and we took all the access wax that was leftover from the hot knifing and took them all out so they would be smooth. And that is pretty much all we did.
Maya-PM-1 hour-dispenser
We worked on the code for the stepper motor, but we ran into an error where the motor was turning around only a few steps off of a full revolution, so we tried to look up the exact code of the stepper motor to see how many steps we should do, but it just wasn't working for some reason. We also need to redesign the case because it was build for a servo and we are using a stepper.
Today at the beginning we did tinker cad. My latter was I. After then we did Exploravision. We were searching about Malaria. My part was about technology overview. Then we talked about what are we going to do this week and after the break. Final, we did the robot project. we just had 10 minutes so that we just discuss a plan how to build it.
AM (30min) Hydo Car
- meeting with Mr.Burnham to discuss Horizon HydroCar youtube channel
Notes: competition date 1/18 (parents driving)
- shared a google spreadsheet for telemetry --> not sure what to put on it
- remembered there is a program that will automatically do it for you --> plan to find it next time on the slide presentation
Notes: competition date 1/18 (parents driving)
- shared a google spreadsheet for telemetry --> not sure what to put on it
- remembered there is a program that will automatically do it for you --> plan to find it next time on the slide presentation
Christopher Hernandez - AM - 20 Mins - Potential Solution
Didn't really make much progress today. Did find a potential solution to solving Dewey's software problem. Ultimately I need to download the firmware program to update Dewey.
Austin Latour AM 20 mins open lab
Today for 20 minutes of open lab given I was not able to do much. I am still kind of stuck on the code and have not had time to work on it at home. If we had more time I would have been able to get more done.
Connor Guzikowski 20min AM Robot Club
Today I was not able to do a whole lot in the amount of time allotted for robot club. The only progress I made was with my PWM controller, where I started writing code that will make the servo controller work with the flex sensors. I haven't ran into any problems yet, but I also haven't been able to test the code.
Ivan Perez Torres - Am - 30 min
Today in open lab i was finishing my 3d letter design on tinker cad. I am supposed to create the I and i decided to make it look like a screw driver. I just looked pro different shapes need to make it and put them together. When I finished and turned it in class was about to end. I only had to time to do my job and leave.
Karson Chu - AM- 20 mins
Today was working on my sound code. that was it. I am about half way there to completing the code.
Dylan AM 12/16 Hydro car new car
What I Did
- Checked out the new car, not much time to actually build
What Worked
- We didn't really do anything
What Didn't Work
- We didn't really do anything
What I'm doing next
- Actually building, probably attaching motor first
Friday, December 13, 2019
Thursday, December 12, 2019
saul-open lab-60 min-dewey
Today during open lab I uploaded my letter onto the flash drive to be able to print. I also put some larger wheels in the front of my robot Dewey for better leverage and stability. I plan on mounting the battery in a more accessible way.
Raymond Linton-Kirton - PM - Open Lab - 1 hour
Today, I finished the Letter project for spelling out Mechatroncis. Later its going to be 3D printed with Mr.Burnham's help. We then had a Life Style presentation about budgeting our life by what jobs we want to do, how we are going to budget it, and what its going to take live the life style we want. In my opinion, it was a terribly planned presentation.
Kyle Todd - PM - Open Lab - 1 hour
Today we finished most of our letters for our Mechatronics presentation. I also walked around and helped out some students in downloading their letters onto the flashdrive Mr. Burnham gave us and also help out however i can at least. We also had a presentation on our budget and life style costs in the future as well.
Maya- PM-1 Hour-Stepper
So I worked on the Dog food dispenser project, and we started a print on the model we made and checked on it, but ti didn't finish since we started it late. We worked on coding the servo but it wasn't working no matter what we did, so we ended up switching to servo motors so that we can control the position and make sure that the food isn't accidentally always flowing. Now that that happened, we have to fix the models, but ti already started to print, so we are going to have a small issue testing it. Now we can move on to making the internet part of the arduino code.
Cindy - PM - 45 MINS - Soldering
Today in open lab, I worked on soldering male jumper wires onto speakers. I started off by using wire cutters to clip off the plastic tips of two jumper wires. After snipping off the plastic ends, I used a solder iron to heat up the solder that was already on the speaker. When heated, the solder melts and I placed the snipped end of the jumper wires onto the melted solder on the speaker.
timothy chan - PM - 1 hour - open lab
today for open lab me and angel just worked on sldering the speakers to wires. we taught the new student how to solder and how to use it safely and properly. and we finished like 6 speakers i think. and that is pretty much all we did.
Lupe-PM-Open Lab: So much to do!
I worked on Saturn and tried to figure out mechanical issues.
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Saul-2 hours-open lab-skills USA "Dewey"
Today during open lab I worked on Dewey for SkillsUSA. I replaced a short shaft with a longer shaft and tightened a few screws so that the gears that moved the arm vertically were able to function properly. I drove Dewey around and he seemed to be working properly,although the robot isn't very stable. Next time i will try to mount the camera and find a better spot to place battery,replace the smaller front wheels with omni wheels,update the engineering notebook,and group the wires together.
Michael PM 2 hours
I helped sal fix his robot and that was a pain. Then I tested the door opening capabilities of anthonys robot and yes it can it was very fun to mess around with it.
Wesaday of Overstress
Been working on the letter for the poster for class for 28 mins then goes to the Skill meeting to know some info and work on the robot even ideas for the rest of the day.
Kyle Todd - PM - Open Lab - All Day
Today I worked on the camera tower once I have finished building the base for it. The measurements for the outside and inside are as followed: Outside: 33.5" x 31.25" and the inside was 30.5" x 28.5". I have also finished tweaking my letter for the class presentation project we are doing. I'll continue doing the ese things until I finish them.
Raymond Linton-Kirton - PM - Open Lab - 3 Hours
Today, during class I finished the letter project that Mr.Burnham wanted us to do. The next thing I did was work on the Exploravision project. The problem that I ran into was trying to find future technology that relates to our project. Hopefully tomorrow I find what I am looking for.
Maya-PM-2.5 hours-Dog food
Once we finished cleaning the haunted house a bit, I worked on cleaning up the raft off of the letters for the mechatronics sign, and i was trying to be extra careful and I had 4 letters, so it took me about 20 minutes. Then I worked with Nicolas on teh dog food model, and we got them exported and partially started on the print. We then worked on the code and researched how to control the servo. Now we have to make the external browser app thing work with the code .
timothy chan - PM - 2.5 hrs - open lab
today for open lab i first worked on the letter on tinkercad and added a lot more things to the letter. then once i was done i downloaded the thing on the usb and then did robot club. I didnt really know what to do so i helped with the dog food dispenser and helped them try and make the servo to spin, slow down, and some other things. and that is pertty much what i did in open lab.
Cindy - PM - 2.5 HRS - Tinkercad & C++ Class
Today in open lab, I finished up my letter 'H' for the Mechatronics Letters. I rearranged the coding lines and dots on the letter and added a robot head ontop of the 'H'. After that, I uploaded the file for the 'H' ontop a flash drive. I then stared the Cisco C++ Class and created the following questions:
1.1 Quick Introduction to Standard Template Library
- What does STL stand for?
Standard Template Library.
- Which two main parts can STL be divided into?
Containers and algorithms .
- What is an array?
A container which stores elements of the same type, and usually those elements occupy a continuous area of memory.
- What are the subcategories that the different containers of STL?
Sequential container, associative container, and container adaptors.
- What is the C++ 's response to the char * problem?
The string library.
1.2 Sequence Containers
- What do sequence containers maintain a certain order to?
The elements inside of them.
- What does a vector always occupy?
A continuous memory block.
- What is an allocator responsible for?
Providing a memory model for the container elements.
- Which constructor is the default constructor?
The first constructor.
- What are defined as a set of operations instead of a certain type?
Next time on open lab, I shall continue with the C++ class.
Christopher Hernandez - AM - 2 hours - SkillsUSA Meeting
For the first 40 minutes of class, I made great progress in resolving the issues that popped up. The first issue was that the rear wheel didn’t properly move backwards. I reinstalled the wheel and installed the wheels in the inside. Now that I found the right Ellen wrench, I secured the exterior washer to the wheel to prevent it from falling off. Furthermore, I fixed the claw arm of the robot. Before the motor would turn on and spin, but the claw arm wouldn’t go up or down. And so, I reinstalled the claw arm and secured it by adding more washers. Another thing I did was that I updated my progress in the engineering notebook. I believe that I am close to completion, but I still need to add some tweaks to it. I might redesign the body if I have time so it has a more creative look.
For over half of class, I was at the skillsUSA meeting.
For over half of class, I was at the skillsUSA meeting.
Today we did the robot club. we couldn't figure out how to put the new car together. However we find this link-
And then we started working on the old cars. we thought something wrong with it but there was nothing wrong it was the battery died. So now both car works. The only problem is the remote control have some problem. when we put it off the car moves.
And then we started working on the old cars. we thought something wrong with it but there was nothing wrong it was the battery died. So now both car works. The only problem is the remote control have some problem. when we put it off the car moves.
AM (1.5hr) Hydro Car
We tried to find the assembling manual for the new car, but we couldn't find it for the correct model. We thought we had to download the CD, but Mr.Burnham said he'll find it online. We went back to the old cars to troubleshoot them. We found out that both old cars had the same problem and thought the servo is connected incorrectly. We finally figured out that it was just the low battery that caused the car to pulse. We then figured out why Trey's car couldn't go backwards and it's becaease channel 3 was on reverse. I find that still weird how the battery can run out so fast within a day though.
Ivan Perez - Am - Open lab 2 hours
Today during open lab my teammates and i met up to work on our robot club project. We thought of different ideas on how to connect our sensor to the project. We went on tinker cad and inserted a design we found. We altered it a little to fit our sensor and printed it. In the future we expect to finish print the other piece.
Rikzin Schultens-AM-Open lab
I started off my open lab by working on the hydro cars with Trey, we were having problems with the signal receiver when it wasn't sending power to the motors and when it was it was going non-stop. Later I soldered some speakers to new wires.
Open Lab
Today in open lab I worked on the M&M sorter. We realized that we needed a case to mount the color sensor so I went on tinker cad and edited one I found on thingiverse. After that I 3D printed it and it fits.
Kylie - 2 hrs - AM
Stephanie and I panted the wooden square things with red oil paint. Then I worked on my 3D design for the MECHATRONICS sign thingy. I added some more holes and shapes to make it seem more like an actual gear. It is almost done, but I accidentally made one part in it too long; it sticks out, and I don't know how to fix it.
What is going on guys its me theo back at it again with another blog post! And today we pretty much only had robot club. There isn't much to write about since we were at the SkillsUSA Meeting for the majority of the robot club, however we did work on our robot. We also talked to Mr. Burnham today about our (Michelle and I's) concerns about getting our robot built as we had to start from scratch. He ended up giving us a pre-built one that still has room for improvement which i'm super glad for!! It really took away a lot of the stress we felt and i'm glad we talked to him. Anyways that is it for this blog post I will see you guys in the next one!! BYEEEE
Connor Guzikowski AM 2 Hours Robot Club
Today for my robot club project, I made some pretty big strides. I was able to get accurate readings from my flex sensor, turns out it was just the wiring I messed up. I was then able to get an accurate reading from my sensor and send it to rotate my servo. At first, the servo would be rotating in unusual degree increments and would not rotate as I bend my flex sensor. I realized that this is because it is common for the flex sensor to give off random, unusual readings. The way I was able to fix this was to research and create an array to take the values from five different reads of the flex sensor, and then took the average of those values to get one accurate value.
Trey AM 1 hr 30 Hydrogen Battery Betterment
Today I worked on the hydro car and spent my time troubleshooting my car's reluctance to move. I attempted multiple solutions and found that my wires in my signal receptor were switched around so that the white signal wire was where the black ground wire was. After fixing this, my car now moves forward, but I have hit a new problem, the car does not go the way it is intended, rather it moves in reverse; and all attempts to use the reverse mechanism on the car only stop it from moving on its path because without it, the car would move forever. Next class, I will work on this new problem and attempt to remedy it to the best of my ability
Austin Latour AM - 2 Hours open lab/ robot club
Today for the two hours of open lab given I was able to make some progress into figuring out what to do for the code. I am stuck on where to start. I found code that could work but I just don't know how to run it. I am very lost. I am very confused. I think that my project is going well though. I am looking at ways to get things to work but there is so little information and nothing is consistent between what is there, so I may just have to figure everything out on my own.
Julian Z- AM- whole period
Today I was watching YouTube videos on projects that I can stat doing, but today I didn't see any that got my attention. I also tried catching up on my late work. Next time we have robot club I will just start on my car.
Karson Chu - AM - 1.5hours
Today I was trying helping Christopher with is robot for skills. He found out what was wrong with his arm so he fixed it. We also changed up some gears so that all the wheels turn at the same time. The robot moves a lot better than before. When he left for the skills meeting I started to fix my code for the Raspberry Pi, but I could find out what was the problem with the code.
Brandon Smith Open lab Wednesday most of class
Worked on PID testing rig, attempted to make wheels, but ended up being supplied with wheels and more accurate motors.
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
saul-1 hour-open lab- Huey is actually Dewey
Today I Finished up my T for the TinkerCad mechatronics project during open lab. I also attached the brackets to the arm and onto the robot,Heuy. Then I found out that Dewey was actually the robot I was supposed to be working on...
Robo Tuesday
Work on the letters for the project for 56 mins even follow how to use print 3d platisc for 12 mins then repair the robot for rest of end of time.
Raymond Linton-Kirton - PM - 1 hour - Open Lab
Today in class we worked on doing a 3D printing project. The project was take a letter from the word, Mechatronics, and create a design for the letter. The problem me was that at first, I didn't know what i wanted to do, later i figured out what i wanted to do and ran into another problem which was getting the design into the right size. Hopefully, tomorrow I will figure out a solution.
Lupe_PM-1hr-Open lab
We worked on how to make the arm stronger and more accurate. Then we thought about where we would put the camera.
Cindy - PM - 45 mins - Soldering
Today in open lab, I soldered wires onto speakers. I started off by acquiring two male to female jumper wires and a mini speaker. There was a wire attached to the speaker, so in order to take it off, I used a soldering iron to heat up the solder in order to release the wire. After that, I used a wire stripper in order to take off the two plastic casts of the female ends of the jumper wires. Using solder and the solder iron, I soldered the ends of the jumper wires onto the jumper wires.
Kyle Todd - PM - 1 Hour - Open Lab
Today we finished up our Mechatronics letters for a presentation project for the class today. We also got introduced to the 3D printers as they are finally ready to be used now for the fall term semester. I haven't had much time to work on the camera tower today but I feel tomorrow would be enough time to start working on it once more.
timothy chan - PM - 1 hour - open lab
today for open lab i worked on the soldering for the speakers. and that was pretty much it. we had to pry out the black tips of the wires and then we had to cut the speaker wires and solder them together. we finished a few and then we had to clean up
Maya-PM- 45 min-Soldering
I had to use the soldering iron for the first time in a while to solder some speakers and the wires wouldn't stick. Something weird happened to the solder because of the its of plastic around the metal, and the magnet in the speaker kept shifting it while I tried to solder it. I had to redo it a few times, and then after that I cleaned up and talked to Nicolas a bit about exploravision and the Dog food model that we made, which STILL needs to be printed.
Christopher Hernandez - AM - Open Lab 1 Hour - Dewey
During this period I worked on Dewey.
Some problems I encountered were:
- I couldn’t find an Ellen wrench to tighten the screws on the wheels.
-The right rear wheel doesn’t spin
-The claw arm motor spins but it doesn’t raise up or down since the gears are offset
-Somehow the zip tie holding the battery ripped off—new one is needed
Primarily during this time, I tried fixing the wheels since I noticed that the wheels were touching the gears. And so, I added more blocks to prevent the Omni wheels from touching the gear. The only thing I need to do for the wheels is to tighten the wheels. But for the rear right wheel, I need to find a way to fix it because it’s touching the ground, but it doesn’t spin.
Some problems I encountered were:
- I couldn’t find an Ellen wrench to tighten the screws on the wheels.
-The right rear wheel doesn’t spin
-The claw arm motor spins but it doesn’t raise up or down since the gears are offset
-Somehow the zip tie holding the battery ripped off—new one is needed
Primarily during this time, I tried fixing the wheels since I noticed that the wheels were touching the gears. And so, I added more blocks to prevent the Omni wheels from touching the gear. The only thing I need to do for the wheels is to tighten the wheels. But for the rear right wheel, I need to find a way to fix it because it’s touching the ground, but it doesn’t spin.
am (1hr) Hydro Car
We figured out why the car when on autopilot mode, it was because channel 2 was on reverse. We took it on a drive and the battery died suddenly we are not sure the reason why so we plan to recharge and drive it again. A problem that rises was that when we turn the remote off, the car would go off its max speed.
Rikzin Schultens - Open lab - AM - 1 hour - Hydro cars
Today I started off the open lab by working on the Mechatronics letter, I grabbed some designs from thingiverse and added them to my design for the letter R. I worked on putting a gear in the center of the R and cutting out the extra bits in the middle. Later I worked with my partners in hydro cars to fix some problems we were having with the car. I was also able to drive it around the track outside a few time.
12-10-19 Open lab post- Connor Agu
Today during op[en lab we continued to work on rebuilding our robot.
Connor Guzikowski AM 45 Minutes Robot Club
For Robot Club, I spent most of my time soldering wires to speakers. At first I was having a little trouble soldering wires to flat surfaces, as I have only soldered a wire to another wire. Luckily, after the first solder was done, I figured out a trick to secure the wires on the flat surfaces using my wire cutters. The next solders were a lot easier and I was efficiently able to get the job done.
12/10/19 - Brandon Smith - Open Lab 1 hour
I went back to work on the PID controller, Downloading the example code and dissecting it. I realized I didn't need a cooling rig to test the loop, I can use an ultra sonic distance sensor, and a little car. I can tell the car to be x amount of centimeters from a wall, and the loop will take care of it.
Open LAB
Today in open lab I made a bunny ring on tinkercad and I was half way done on finishing a chess spawn.
Open lab -Ivan Perez Torres - AM - 1 hr
Today for open lab I was working on late work. I had to do my "How does a solenoid work?" assignment on google class room. Then I had to research online about solenoids. I was also working on my code for my robot club project. I added a few lines to the color sensing code. In the future I expect to be able to connect tot the servo motor and control it.
Karson Chu AM- 45 mins
Today I was helping Christopher fix his skills robot. I wasn't able to do my initial project because I was waiting for the my parts to come in. I was helping Christopher fix his arm motor. We found out that the motor itself was working fine, but the axis wasn't connected. I didn't find out until the end of class so we didn't have time to fix it.
Trey AM 1 hour Presentation Slashing
Today I worked to reduce the size of my Flex Factor presentation for the finals tomorrow. I got two slides cut down and we should now be under our three minute limit for the finals tomorrow
Austin Latour AM - One Hour Open Lab / Robot Club
I found some code that I can possible modify. It will be a lot of work. My goal is to convert the midi file to svg and the from that to a gcode. That seems like the easiest path to take at this point. The programming will be the hardest part for me. I have been trying to find ways to run this code but I don't know how.
Here is the code:
Here is the code:
Julian Z - AM- 30min
Today I helped Jasmine catch up on using all the motors and how to wire things up. I helped here figure out two sensors which were the ultrasonic sensor and flame sensor. Next time I will show her to code the ardunio.
Dylan AM 12/10 40 minutes Hydrogen cars
What I Did
- Tried to turn on the car and control it.
What Worked
- The car lights up
What Didn't Work
- Our car
- We swapped the battery a few times
- We swapped hydrostiks
- We tried our hydrosticks in another car
- Worked
- We tried battery in another car
- worked
- Conclusion: There is a larger issue with the car that appeared once we attached the hydrogen fuel cell.
What I'm doing next
- Testing the fuel cell
- Blue box
- reciever
- speed controller
- remote
Friday, December 6, 2019
Christopher Hernandez - AM - 2 Hrs - Skills USA
For the first ten minutes of robot club, I finished drawing the blueprints of the field. Initially I overestimated the size of the field, but I soon fixed that.
As for SkillsUSA, I connected the transmitters to the control and Dewey. But before that, I plugged in a battery to power Dewey. I also made the webcam work by connecting the transmitter to the camera and to the monitor. I haven't decided on the camera placement yet, but I am planning to mount it on the tower of the claw arm. If not there, I would most likely place in front of the chasis in the corner. The camera would then be tilted at an angle to get a view of the field and the arm. My last placement is on the claw arm itself, but that's unlikely since it may be hard to see the field. Once everything was connected, the claw arm of Dewey opened and closed, turned, and moved forward. The only issue though is that the claw arm doesn't go up or down. Something might be wrong with the wiring or the way the axel was connected so I will take a look at it.
As for SkillsUSA, I connected the transmitters to the control and Dewey. But before that, I plugged in a battery to power Dewey. I also made the webcam work by connecting the transmitter to the camera and to the monitor. I haven't decided on the camera placement yet, but I am planning to mount it on the tower of the claw arm. If not there, I would most likely place in front of the chasis in the corner. The camera would then be tilted at an angle to get a view of the field and the arm. My last placement is on the claw arm itself, but that's unlikely since it may be hard to see the field. Once everything was connected, the claw arm of Dewey opened and closed, turned, and moved forward. The only issue though is that the claw arm doesn't go up or down. Something might be wrong with the wiring or the way the axel was connected so I will take a look at it.
Saul-2 hours-Open Lab-Skills USA- Huey
Today during open lab I worked on my robot Huey. The team before me misplaced the front and back tires, so I reversed their position. I attached the crane,and have yet to place the claw. I need to figure out the distance of where the claw will be placed. Once that's done, I will place the wires in the correct place and then do a test run. I am wondering why my name has two gears,whereas my counterpart robots have one.
Kyle Todd - PM - 2 Hrs.- Open Lab
Today I decided to help around with other classmates today, because i couldn't really remember how which pieces go on the camera tower I was working so I decided to see how others are doing and help them in any way I can. Today I helped Cindy and Timothy with cutting some foam for their TARDIS closet design project. Other than that I just did some work from My homeschool and just decided to study for the last few minutes or so.
Work on the Skills thing that been told to do worked on like 50 mins to do it and work and brainstorm the robot for the camera and how to make a handmade power supply for the camera and how.
Cindy - PM - 2 HRS - Skills USA Map, Soldering, Tardis
Today in open lab, I finished up working on hypothesizing the measurements for the Skills USA competition fields. I then helped out the Claw Machine Team with soldering wires for the Claw Machine. After that, I worked on the Tardis Project, where Timothy and I Measured out the dimensions for the top of the Tardis and traced the measurements onto the foam board. When the measurements were all traced out, we used a hot knife in order to cut out the pieces for he sides of the Tardis. Next time for open lab, I am going to sandpaper the edges of the pieces of the foam boards.
Maya-PM-2 Hours-Absolute Chaos
For Open lab I worked on my Claw machine project and a little bit on Nico's Dog Food Dispenser Project. I took the z motor wiring and took it apart to test it and the motor just shakes a bit and doesn't turn. I tested my code and wiring on a separate 5 wire stepper motor and it worked fine. I tried switching the order of the wires in case it was backwards and I tried soldering a faulty wire that had been giving me issues but it wasn't working. I used the multimeter, I used different codes and references online, but it only shakes, and so does the x motor. I think I figured out where the sensors are though, but I don't think they can be used much.
timothy chan - PM - 2 hrs - open lab
today for open lab i started with my exploravision project and worked on the abstract a bit more. then after that i helped maya and angel with the claw machine project and we had to soder some wires on the machine because some of the things were broken. then i worked on the tardis project and for that, me and cindy worked on making the 2nd set of foam pieces for the top of the cabinet. and then we measured them drew them and then cut them. we are going to put them all together the next time we work on tardis
AM 1hr HydroCar
I worked with Mateo on AM car #1 while Dylan and Tyler worked on car#2. We tried to screw the axel into the base but it didn't fit right with the blue controller box, so we used zip ties to secure the axel- it turned out okay except the buckle on the ziptie makes the controller box uneven, so we temporarimy placed it at an angle. Another issue we had was connecting it to the remote controller and we figured out it was because the pins have to be connected a certain way so that it corresponds with the correct channel. We were stuck on which channel means what. It was kinda funny, when we pressed the trigger, it stopped and when we released it, the car ran by itself, like autopilot. The best we got to so far is being able to steer and accelerate, with the exception that we can't reverse. We plan to ask Mr.Burnham for help. We took it on a spin for the last 15mins.
Next time, we plan to correct the controller box's placement and ask about the remote control. After we get it all working, then the next step is to find strategies and ideas for the race.
Next time, we plan to correct the controller box's placement and ask about the remote control. After we get it all working, then the next step is to find strategies and ideas for the race.
Nathanielle - AM - 1hr - Louie
Conner and I worked on Louie. It is on the Louie blog.
Theodore Taylor - Robot Club Open Lab - SkillsUSA - AM
HEY GUYS!! back at it with another blog post super sorry for not posting in a while >.< Anyways today we didn't do much besides watch videos on the SkillUSA competition map for the Urban Search and Rescue and sort of draw a model of the course. After that it was open lab time and me and my partner Michelle worked on our robot for Urban Search and Rescue and we thought of some more cool ideas we can do for our robot. ALSO after watching the videos we got some unique tips and ideas from it so we sort of know what to do for our robot and that is pretty much it!! SEE YA LATER I HAVE NO TIME!!!!
Connor Guzikowski AM Robot Club 2 Hours
In Robot Club today, I was unable to solve my problem of my flex sensor not working. I am unsure why I am getting such unusual numbers. I think all of my code is correct, and the circuit should also be correct, but I am still getting a majority of my readings to be 0, with the occasional high reading in the 100's.
Trey AM 120 Min Hydro Cars
Today I worked on repairing some of the major issues we have with our hydrogen car like it not moving and the actual setup of the car to fit everything into the chassis. There was not much progress made as all the solutions we attempted turned out bad.
julian z -am- 60 min
today I spent my time catching up on my work that i missed when i was absent. I almost caught on my work videos and turning everything into google classroom. Next time we have free time I want to flash the code on the car so it will be able to run.
Austin Latour AM Open Lab/ Robot Club
Today for the nearly two hours of robot club I was able to make progress on my project. I was able to find some programs and software that I can use to build and program my machine. I did some research and found some great links and resources to integrate these. I still may need to write a program that can read the MIDI to integrate it into these systems, but it does not seem that difficult now. Here are the links that I found:
It is a lot of resources to go through but they all seem very helpful.
Possible Code to Modify: - maybe this would work
Use a gcode sender
It is a lot of resources to go through but they all seem very helpful.
Dylan AM 12/6 120 Minutes Horizon Hydrocar
What I Did
- Worked on Hydrocar
- Attached hydrogen fuel cell
- Drove around the track a few laps to get a feel for the car
What Worked
- Fuel cell was very hard to attach because of the angle of some tiny screws.
- Instead of a hex, we used pliers to hold the top in while we screwed in with Allen wrench from the other side.
What Didn't Work
- The lighter black frame doesn't fit on the car, so we got rid of it, just using the silver metal plate
- After a few laps, the car stopped moving. When trigger pulled, car jumped forward a few inches then stopped.Assumed that the hydrostiks were empty, which I tested by hooking it up and listening for the sounds of the hydrogen, but it didn't come.
- Would fill them, but I'm not sure if the machines are powered up and working
What I'm doing next
- Fixing the hydrogen charging station
- Massing new sticks and pairing them with each other
- Working out better ways to hold wires together
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
SUB Wensday
Work on the ruth goldernberg for a while like 13 mins then set it up again and mess up over and over for 29 mins then video and stuff for 30min even cleaning up as well and work on the robot for rest of the time
PM michael 2 hours
We worked on the robot and it has wheels now and that's cool and now I think there is some type of display we need to put on now but we will figure it out. rube goldberg aws difficalt cause we keep hit the table.
Saul-105 min.- robot club/open lab
Today during open lab,I worked on my Vex robot for Skills USA. My robot's name is "Huey".
Once I opened the container,and set the pieces down,I saw that HUEY was taken apart. I tried,but I couldn't put it back together,i could not find the correct hex driver.

I also had a conversation with Mr.Archide about FPGAs. FPGAs are kind of like a digital breadboard,"etch-a-sketch" type of circuit board with programmable transistors,resistors,and capacitors.
I started to label and weight the Hydrogen fuel cells for the Hydrogen car project.
Once I opened the container,and set the pieces down,I saw that HUEY was taken apart. I tried,but I couldn't put it back together,i could not find the correct hex driver.
I also had a conversation with Mr.Archide about FPGAs. FPGAs are kind of like a digital breadboard,"etch-a-sketch" type of circuit board with programmable transistors,resistors,and capacitors.

I started to label and weight the Hydrogen fuel cells for the Hydrogen car project.
Kyle Todd - PM - 2 Hours - Open Lab
Today we finished our Rube goldberg projects and have finally took them down today. After that I have continued on the camera tower for Mr. Burnham as I finished cutting the pieces for the new additions to be put onto it in the final result. The only problem is that I am having a little trouble remembering which pieces go where but I'll figure it out.
Cindy - PM - 1.5 HR - Robot Club
Today in open lab, we measured and cut up the three side pieces for the top of the Tardis. We had one 25in. by 9in., one 24 in. by 3in., and one 23in. by 3in. piece foam boards. We had to over measure the foam boards since the foam melts as we cut it with a hot knife. After we were done cutting the foam boards out, we measured the other side of the top of the Tardis and recorded measurements for the other side as well as started tracing on the foam board. Next time in open lab, we are going to cut out the foam boards and sandpaper the edges.
Maya-PM-2 hours-Robot Club
For my robot club project I worked on the claw machine again and I tried to figure out what was broken, and I think a wire has been disconnected inside the motor because all the tests were inconclusive. After about half an hour with a DMM, I decided that I would have to wait to get that fixed and I worked on making a flow chart for all the logic and looking for a good tutorial. I didn't find much online because most claw machines come with code and no one has to make them, at least not with the parts that we are using. I make a code skeleton but it wasn't great. After that, Nicolas asked for help connecting the 360 servo. I helped him connect up the relay properly, and after one minor mistake where it started smoking, we figured it out. We spent the other 45 minutes of class redoing the 3D model we had made and working on the flowchart for his project. We tried to get the servo to react properly with an if then statement but it wouldn't, so we went back to designing until we could find a better code snippet that was more related to the exact controls we needed.
timothy chan - PM - 1.5 hrs - open lab
today for open lab i worked on the claw machine and the tardis project. i first helped angel and maya with the claw machine and we tried to figure out the motor and what all the wires do. after i helped maya and nico with the code for the dog food dispenser and tried to get the 360 servo motor working with a relay. then I worked on the tardis project with cindy. we made on of the sides of the top on foam and cut out the first set. then we are going to make other pieces for the side tommorrow.
Christopher Hernandez - AM - 30 mins - Dewey
For the first several minutes of robot club, I was cleaning the table area from the Rube Goldberg project.
Nathanielle - AM - 30min - SkillsUsa
We worked on our Louie today and what we did is on our Louie blog.
Connor Agu Robot club
12-4-19 Open Lab robot club
Today during open lab we worked on rebuilding are skills USA robot (30 minutes).
Today during open lab we worked on rebuilding are skills USA robot (30 minutes).
AM (30min) HydroCar
After we took our Gold Ruthberg project apart, we split up to work in our individual robot club projects. I looked through the Horizon Grand Prix files and documents posted on the google drive, to get a gist of what was there. I also watched the short youtube video of the grand prix final. I didn't read them in details, but I plan to read the components and what they do during my personal time.
Connor Guzikowski AM 60 Minutes Robot Club
For my Robot Club time, I used most of it trouble shooting a problem I had. I was unable to get my flex sensor to work and give me the readings that I was previously getting. I am not sure exactly why yet, but I believe I may have a little error in the code so I am not getting the full reading of the voltage values I am getting.
Dylan AM 12/4 Final Rube Goldberg
What I Did
- Fixed project by changing sensor distance
- Removed Glue from pvc parts
- dismantled rest of project
What Worked
- Project worked
- belt sander was good at removing glue
What Didn't Work
- Project worked too well
- Went off too early
- Dismantling took very long bc of our glue
What I'm doing next
- Robot club hydro powered car
Mateo Chacon
In open lab today, I took apart my rube goldberg and kept all the savable parts that are on it. After that the class looked at the substitutes youtube channel where he plays the guitar it was really good. Other than that I was playing with the servo motor while Jon was playing with his DC motor.
Ivan Perez Torres - AM - Open Lab - 1 HOUR
Today during open lab the sub was showing us his youtube channel where he posts guitar covers on many songs. After that he told us that we have to work on our robot club projects. I opened my work from last time and continued writing down RGB values for different m&m colors. In the future I expect to incorporate these numbers into my code to set of the servo motors.
Austin Latour AM - One Hour open lab / robot club
Today for my one hour of robot club I made some progress on my piano roll perforator. I have a box of parts at home that I am bringing tomorrow. I am kind of at a standstill with the code, I don't really have any idea what to do or where to start. However I was ale to find some code for a scanner in C++ that reads piano rolls and converts their data to MIDI, I am thinking that I could possible modify that to read MIDI and punch the holes. I need lots of help with the coding portion of the project. I hope to build the base over the Holiday break and get it wrap up this project in January. Here is the link to the code I found:
I would need help modifying this code if it is even possible to modify to my needs.
I would need help modifying this code if it is even possible to modify to my needs.
Rikzin-1hour-AM-old work
I worked on some of the old assignments that I forgot to turn in. I also completely took apart our Rube Goldberg project and put away the pieces. Our Rube Goldberg project went pretty well. In the end, It was actually able to be activated by the catapult and it was able to land the marble inside of the funnel.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Cindy - PM - 3HRS - Rube Goldberg
Today in open lab, we aligned our project with the team before and after us. We ran across a problem where our windmill would only run when the arduino is connected the the computer. This occurred since the servo and motor were not connected to the same ground. In order to solve this, we soldered a male to male wire to a voltage wire.
Friday, November 22, 2019
PM Michael rube goldberg 2 hours
So actually mad progress and it was great we are puting a motor and it will pull a marble and start are thing
Rough Friday
Anthony Buccat
Work on the Quotes for 23 mins and work on the ruth goldberd with raymond the rest of the day.
Work on the Quotes for 23 mins and work on the ruth goldberd with raymond the rest of the day.
Kyle Todd - PM - Open Lab - 2 Hours
Today I worked on the Rube Goldberg project today with my partner Saul. We ran into many more problems than expected but we're getting closer to our goal on tuesday. We figured out a way for the elevation to be successful without the marbles being stuck or falling out too early when rising to the next stage of the project.
PM-Lupe-2hrs-Open Lab: We did it!!
Nguyen and I spent the whole time trying to figure out code for our servo motor and sound sensor. It got complicated cause we found a code that included an LED light. So we had the sound sensor working but it would trigger the LED, NOT the servo. We had to rearranged the code various times and figure out how to wire it up. We finally figured it out and it feels great:)
Maya-PM-1.5 hour-Rube Goldberg
;So today we figured out that the Rube Goldberg magnet sensor we were using didn't even work and so we wasted a lot of time trying to figure out why the code wasn't working even though it really was. Then we needed to find a way to hold the sensor up to the magnet so we spent time doing that, but now we are having issues with the photo resistor sensitivity, because all the marbles are clear and not being sensed, but if we turn the sensitivity up, it detects everyone moving around it.
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