Friday, November 22, 2019

PM Michael rube goldberg 2 hours

So actually mad progress and it was great we are puting a motor and it will pull a marble and start are thing

Rough Friday

Anthony Buccat

Work on the Quotes for 23 mins and work on  the ruth goldberd with raymond the rest of the day.

Kyle Todd - PM - Open Lab - 2 Hours

Today I worked on the Rube Goldberg project today with my partner Saul. We ran into many more problems than expected but we're getting closer to our goal on tuesday. We figured out a way for the elevation to be successful without the marbles being stuck or falling out too early when rising to the next stage of the project.

PM-Lupe-2hrs-Open Lab: We did it!!

Nguyen and I spent the whole time trying to figure out code for our servo motor and sound sensor. It got complicated cause we found a code that included an LED light. So we had the sound sensor working but it would trigger the LED, NOT the servo. We had to rearranged the code various times and figure out how to wire it up. We finally figured it out and it feels great:)

Maya-PM-1.5 hour-Rube Goldberg

;So today we figured out that the Rube Goldberg magnet sensor we were using didn't even work and so we wasted a lot of time trying to figure out why the code wasn't working even though it really was. Then we needed to find a way to hold the sensor up to the magnet so we spent time doing that, but now we are having issues with the photo resistor sensitivity, because all the marbles are clear and not being sensed, but if we turn the sensitivity up, it detects everyone moving around it.

Cindy - PM - 1 HR - Rube Goldberg

Today in open lad, Timothy and I worked on our Rube Goldberg project. The team before us is triggering a gun that gives off a loud sound, so we tested it out today. The sound is sensed by our sound sensor, which moves the wing of the servo motor. Once the popscile stick attached to the servo motor covers the photo resistor, the motor of our windmill turns and spins the hair curlers filled with marbles. The marbles roll down the next team's ramp. After we were done running over our project, we helped Angel with his project. Their magnet sensor needed something to be stabilized to and we helped them build a support for the sensor using popsicle sticks and legos.

timothy - PM - 1 hour - open lab

today for open lab i finished my rube goldberg project. me and cindy positioned everything and glued everything down. then we did a final chck and adjusted some of the sensitivity of the sensors and changed up the code to refine the project. Then we helped other teams with their problems like angel and maya's project. next time we are probably going to find a solution to how to use it without the computer and a seperate power source.

Nathanielle - AM - 1 Hr - Rube Goldberg

Today, we solved the problem of making the actual thing. We can now make the gondola and it is the same height for both. The main problem we have now is connecting everything to the Arduino which will make everything work. On Monday, we will have to make connect the things up and set up the gondola.
Today, we did the project and our number is 7. I am with Mateo

Connor Agu Open lab

11-2219 open lab

During open lab we figured out how to have our belt be level.

Rikzin Schultens-AM-Rube Goldburg project

Today we continued on our Rube Goldberg projects. My partner, Brandon, and I have made great progress today as we made arrangements to release our car with a popsicle stick so we could be good to go for the deadline on Tuesday. We have the release figured out we are going to use a relay to activate the motor and more the stick to release the car and launch the marble.

Karson Chu - AM - 1 hour

Today we were figuring out our placement in the system. I decide that we are going last. we are using an ultrasonic sensor to trigger a motor to pull a poll down to drop a platform. I was built a platform that will be dropped. the thing that didn't work was the platform was a little too short so I had to extend it out a little more. now it works. I also added railing so the ball would fall off the platform.
Ali and I finished our arduino code for our  LEDs they dim in order which is pretty cool.

Theodore Taylor - AM - 11/22/19 - Rube Goldberg Project and SkillsUSA

HEY GUYS, Rushing to write this blog and stuff but today us SkillsUSA students talked to Mr. Burnham and were ordering our shirts (im keeping mine HEHEHE) and then after we worked on the order of our Rube Goldberg project (were first) and then Julian and I are right now figuring out how to make our ultrasonic sensor move a servo motor when it detects Clarence's hand. We also worked on Job ready skills and LinkedIn profile stuff.

Connor Guzikowski AM 45 Minutes Rube Goldberg

We are 3rd in the order of the sequence. Before us is Kylie and Stephanie, they are making a ferris wheel to drop a marble into our PVC pipe tubing, which will set off our photoresistor. That will trigger a relay to turn on a fan which will move our car which carries a marble to the next part of the sequence, Sean, and the marble will trigger his project. Our project is almost done, we just need to build support for the PVC tube and organize all of our wires.

Christopher - AM - 1 Hour - Rube Goldburg

In this class period, we made our code to be fully functional. Once a goes in front of our a sensor, a motor would turn on. This motor would then pull a support beam collapsing a platform. Once the platform collapses, we would cause a ball to fall into a cup. We've got the platform done and the tower to catch the previous team's ball. All we have to do now is glue everything down and add a ramp to allow the ball to go in front of our sensor. After that, we would need to attach fishing line or string to collapse the platform which would then cause another ball to go into a cup.

Austin Latour AM - one hour Rube GoldBerg

Today for one hour we figured out the order that we will go in. We are 3rd. We also determined the position for our ramp sensor. OUr code is done all we have to do is wait for the group before us to finish so we can hook them together. We also finished gluing things down.

Ivan Perez Torres - AM - Rube Goldberg

Today in open lab I worked on finding a motor and building my platform/track.  I looked for the right lego pieces so that it was even on both sides. I also used the saw blade to cut a pvc pipe in half. In the future i plan to finish my code for the motor. When my partner comes back I expect to choose a partner and get it working.

AM (30min) Gold Ruthberg Ferris Wheel

We soldered the stepper motor and created a base so it could stand. We struggled with finding a wire that fits through the hole. We plan to type the code over the weekend and test it next time. After that, we will glue/secure on the stepper motor. We also plan to cut back the foam base so it doesn't get in the way of the wheel's rotation.

Julian Z am 1 hour

Today we figured out what our sensor was going to be and the action it is sensing. The marble will go down the track and will be activated by the skeleton , then an ultrasonic sensor will activate the servo, and the servo will lift up a gate allowing it to continue on to the next track. On Monday I want to finish coding and then finish up the track.

Michelle - AM - 50 minutes - Order & Programming Motors

My partner, Jasmin, did not confirm with people of the order and when I tried to check Austin's group, he said that he was actually triggering Sean's project. The problem pretty much took up 20 minutes of the time to just figure out where we are in the order. Then, once Mateo made the list, I was able to know that I am 9th in the sequence. 

When I worked on the programming of the motor. I had a hard time understanding the programming and connections. I had to review the code as these motors in the Kuman Car SM 11 are not DC motors. I will learn over the weekend on how to work the motors, I'm watching the video that was previously used but there was this video specifically for robot cars. 

Trey AM 1 hr Crash Test Dummies

Today Dylan and I cut down the PVC pipes for the legs and worked on the latch mechanism for our hammer. The PVCs were a trial because we couldn't get them to be cut evenly, so I found a way to hook the legs in a way that wouldn't give away the uneveness of the legs. For the latch we used a boba fett helmet and are going to have it pop off using a motor.

Dylan AM 11/22/19 Rube Goldberg

What I  Did
  • Cut PVC pieces to size
  • Sanded edges down
  • glued a landing plate to the edge
  • made sure who we were attached to
What Worked
  • PVC pipes ended up right size
  • main contraption is working
  • we found a working latch
What Didn't Work
  • PVC pipes kept being off by a mm or so
What I'm doing next

  • Attaching the motor to pull string
  • Attaching sensor to motor

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Thruday Ruth Day

Anthony Buccat

Well now working on the ruth goldern rest of the day
Today during open lab I installed the push button onto the motor basket. I  realized that the rail that pushed against the basket was not properly placed. Next time I will drill holes to directly set it in place. We plan to elevate our project so that it will connect to michael's group.

PM Michael rube goldberg

We did a hole but ton of nothing exsept fix the structure and no code no sensor because we can't deside what to do so yah we got problems big problems.

Kyle Todd - PM - Open Lab - 1 Hour

Today we continued on our Rube Goldberg  projects . My partner and I have made great progress today as we made arrangements to elevate our entire board of the project and rearrange the pieces so it would be better made and looking so we could be good to go for the deadline on tuesday. We have the elevation figured out we are now trying to figure out a way to make the who piece stable when we put them on stills when we start once again tomorrow.

Maya-PM-1 hour-Fan

The fan broke so Angel and I took it apart instead of doing our Rube Goldberg Project. We salvaged all the parts Mr. Burnham wanted to, but i guess when we weren't paying attention, part of our Rube Goldberg machine broke and we didn't have time to fix it. Both our code and now our machine is broken, and if we have no time, we might have to just take out the part that broke and just have the marbles and the LED.

Cindy - PM - 1 HR - Rube Goldberg

Today in open lab, Timothy and I finished the our Rube Goldberg project. First off, we tweaked the code for the servo motor and finished wiring the motor of the windmill. Then, we positioned and glued all the parts onto the board. We then finally ran a test round for our project to make sure everything worked.

timothy - PM - 1 hour - rube goldberg

today me and cindy finished our rube goldberg project. we finished the code and then we had to make sure everything worked. We found out the arduino has to be plugged into a computer which has to be charging for the motor to work at full power for some reason i dont know yet. We glued everything down and then we were coordinating with the other teams on where to glue everything down. next time we are going to see where the gun is going off and then we will position the sound sensor to the gun.

PM-Lupe-1hr 15min-Rube Goldberg

Today Nguyen and I worked on replacement of our objects...once again. We also set up the hardware of our fishing line. We are just so close to finishing. We need the code and wiring for the servo and stepper and we are good. I am so excited to see the outcome of our project. I am also excited to see the whole chain of everyone's project.

Kylie T - AM - 1 hr

Today, Stephanie and I worked on our Rube Goldberg project. We were having trouble determining which gear we wanted to use with our wheel. We decided to take off the basket that we placed at one end, so we could figure out which gear would fit. No luck so far. We had to redo the base made of Lego's, because it was a bit too big, and couldn't support the wheel. Stephanie was finding some code we could use to help the wheel spin as well.

Dylan AM 11/21 60 minutes Rube Goldberg

What I  Did

  • I showed Trey what I made last time
  • We found the right height for the seesaw to be stopped to launch lego man up vertically
What Worked
  • Placing a bin under the swing arm launches lego man vertically
What Didn't Work
  • Our latch mechanism
What I'm doing next
  • Placeholder

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Jerico-PM-11/20/19-hour?-Driving Sim Booth

Found out what the spare lever did, it's a Gear shifter(Analog Sensor). Also, Circuit breaker, Fully functioning but needs a key. Might just unscrew it. also, need to identify the 6 wire cable that goes into the Wheel itself(Split between Horn, Hazards, and Turn Signal.

Hump Day Robotic

Anthony Buccat

Work on the brainstorm idea to my team about 1 hour and 34mins
and rest of the day working on Saturn Rings and with help of the teacher that the power is low and fixed the last nut.

PM Michael robot club 1 hour

We have got a foundation of a robot and are now putting in the motor driver on the right side and well we are going to do that tomorrow. Well we need to have better organization than what we had today.

saul-60 min-open lab-driving simulator

During open lab we tried to look up how the connections on the speedometers worked.
Jerico was able to find that there was a screw pin missing on the gear change of the steering wheel was broken.And we took off the cover of the circuit breaker.Next time we will layout all the wire connections and measure the steering wheel outputs.

Kyle Todd - PM - 1 Hour - Open lab

Today I got back to glueing the PVC pipe camera tower for Mr. Burnham as tclass was starting to end. The glue wads a little tricky to use since it was very liquidy and quick drying wso I had to work fast on it. We are making fast progress on it as a means of finishing it sooner than expected.

Maya-PM-1 hour-Ahhhh

I'm working on deciphering the gantry still, I took some adaptors and cut them open to read the colors inside and use that as an easy access way of testing the different pins once we identified which color was which pin. We then started on the z motor, and read resistance across the 5 pins. For some reason everything to pin 5 was not anything, and the other resistances were either 3 or 4. Using that and a diagram of a stepper motor we kind of were able to get an idea of what wire was which, but it's still unclear. Then we walked over to construction to retrieve wood, but they hadn't cut it so when we waited for it, we ended up getting back right when open lab ended.

Cindy - PM - 1 HR - Robot Club Tardis

Today in open lab, we trimmed 2.5in out of the 48in. by 5in. piece of foam. After that, we got the three front pieces of the top of the Tardis and sandpapered its edges. Then, we placed and marked the three pieces of foam on top of each other in a staircase manner and marked down where we plan on gluing them down to each other. After that, we measured the side pieces for the Tardis. The measurements were one 24in. by 10in., one 23in. by 3in., and one 22in. by 3in foam boards. Next time when we work on the Tardis, we are going to draw the measurements onto the foam board and cut them out with a hot knife.

PM-Lupe-1hour-Open Lab: PARTY TIME

I spent my open lab time organizing our thanksgiving party we are going to be having on Monday. I made a food list on a google doc so that everyone can list what they are going to bring. That way it will be organize and we will have a pretty okay variety. I also collected everyone's phone numbers so that we can communicate if there are any setbacks, and not only that, we can make that our official class group chat where we can communicate with each other about future hang outs outside of class and to discuss the class. After I did that, I tried to help Nico with our DFD project by helping him figure out code, but he was already taking care of that so I decided to make some tweaks to the design. Next open lab I want to focus more on that.

timothy - PM - 1 hour - open lab tarids

today for open lab me and cindy were working on the tardis project. we were done cutting the foam peices and we needed to refine them and make them straight so we got sandpaper and sanded them down and straightened them. then we measurd how long the had to petrude and then we have to measure the other peices and how much they would be and we are going to cut those pieces next time.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

saul-60 min-open lab-rube goldberg project

Today during open lab I made the platform that carries the marbles more sturdier. We drilled holes in the platform and put PVC around the wooden board so that our ramps will take shape. We have yet to update our code that will bring everything together and we need  to install a sensor that will initiate the motor.

Jerico-11/19-PM-2hours?-Rub Goldberg

          SETBACK : Motor isn't strong enough to pull trigger
                    Solution: Solenoid instead
          Sound Check Done

To Do
          Setup Gun mechanism

Lupe-PM-2hrs- OPen LAb

Today we had a shadow day student. I helped her with an LED lab and she did a pretty good job. Then I told her about the Tube goldberg project.

PM - Kyle Todd - Rube Goldberg Project

Today we continued working on our Rube Goldberg project, we ran into a problem with our elevation segment. But, we figured it out by rearranging our segment altogether into a ramping system after the elevator for the marbles. we figured this out but we are having trouble on how exactly we add our sensors in altogether.

PM Michael rube golberg 2 hours

So made so progress in talking out what we are going to do and where we are going to be in the line we are second to last after kyle adn right before anthony. I am thinking that we use a light sensor to see the marbles pass and count them then activate something else. we haven't got any code or and arduino on our board.

Maya-PM-2Hours- Rube GOoldberg stuff

We finally fixed the issue with the light sensor reading random things, kind of, We need to have a LED pointing at the light sensor because it keeps reading random things because of the angle of the light sensor. No matter what, the magnet detection will not work, and we tested it over and over again, completely changing the code around it, but still not much is working. The LED keeps turning on randomly, as soon as we upload or as soon as the marbles finish rolling, but the hall effect sensor isn't close to  anything. We're pretty stuck on it, we undid every wire and put them back, we remade a few structures to make everything fall in the right places, and we also re-coded a lot.

timothy - PM - 2 hours - rube goldberg project

I was working on my rube goldberg project. I created code for pretty much the enitre project and just need to wire up the final motor to the project. I needed to make a motor controller work so I got a thing that adapted a 12 volt supply as well as a arduino or 5 volt. Next time i will probably finish the project and just have to glue everything to the board.

Tiresome Tuesday

Anthony Buccat

So working on the ruth goldberd the whole day that I known my order is then waiting for micheal tell me what his final part was so I need to know what I need to do in the beginning and the mean time I been working on the board and plan ahead in the middle plan with Raymond Help.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Kyle Todd - PM - Open Lab - 1 Hour

In Open Lab today, I started working my camera tower project once more. I started deconstructing the base to start cementing it in place to help keep it secure and not all flimsy and weak. We haven't start the glueing just yet but I will start tomorrow when it is open lab once more.

Lupe-PM-30min-Open Lab: "Looking for Jobs"

Today I worked on my LinkedIN profile. I updated my education and the description. I listed all the activities that I participate in at my home school. I listed marching band, winter/color guard, dance team, robotics team and SVCTE. I talked about how each activity has helped me in a positive way and how they have molded who I am today. I also added a profile picture. Nico says it is a bit sketch, but I don't have any other good selfies that would work. Guess I have to go have a photo shoot sometimes soon haha. I would like to work on my dog food dispenser and/or my SkillsUSA robot.

Cindy - PM - 30 mins - Tardis

Today in open lab, Timothy, Angel, and I used a hot knife in order to cut out a 50.5in. by 9 in. and 2 pieces of 48in. by 5 in. foam boards. Next time, we are going to measure the sides for the top adn cut those out as well.

saul-30 min-open lab-robot club-deriving simulator.

Today during open lab, I was able to clip off zip ties and I labeled most off the wires. Next time we will find out what where teh wires connected to the pedals lead to.

timothy - PM - 30 mins - tardis

today for open lab, I worked on my robot club project, tardis. Me cindy and angel started cutting the foam for the top of the cabinet. we learned how to use a hot knife and used that to cut the first 3 pieces of foam for the cabinet. next time we are going to draw up more pieces for the project and then cut them and maybe glue them.

Maya PM 30 Min- Claw Machine

I'm trying to figure out which pins are which on the giant gantry, so I took a few male-female wires and a Multimeter to try to read which wire was which based on their resistance as directed by Mr. Burnham and it was pretty inconclusive. Maybe it was the way I was trying to hold the pins while measuring, but it was pretty inconclusive because the measurements jumped wildly and settled down onto a number around 5, which doesn't seen correct. I'm also taking some time to look up the stepper motor's code so I can complete more of the Logic tree that I made along with the code.

PM Michael open lab 30 minuets

S i worked on the linkedin activity section of my profile and that was difficalt. Then I sort of jumped into the new vex robot construction and that was not very productive but I have created a super omnidirectional wheel by sticking 2 of them together and it rools normally I guess. next time I hope to get going on construsion.

Nathanielle - AM - 30 min - Robot Club

We worked on our SkillsUSA Robot.

I am planning to work on Car #3 for the hydrocar.

Christopher - AM - 30 mins - Dewey

I've worked on Dewey.;postID=1942659359384457041;onPublishedMenu=allposts;onClosedMenu=allposts;postNum=1;src=postname
Today, we wrote a likedin.  My Robot Club Group is Ali, Deigo, and Steffinie. We picked #1.

Michelle - AM- 40 minutes - Valley Forge

During Robot Club, I worked on Valley Forge.

AM (30min) Hydro Cars

We were got updates on the Hydro Car Competitions and afterwards, we worked on screwing on the four wheels. We haven't tightened it since we can't find a tightener that fits, so we plan to do that next time. I'm in the same group as Mateo and Ali. 

Connor Agu 11/18/19 Robot club

During open lab we worked on the Skills USA robot Louie Disassembly ans reassembly.

Rikzin-AM-Hydro cars

Today our hydrogen car groups were split up and I was grouped with Dylan and Trey. We are working on car number 3. We continued the construction of our car and although we had some trouble with attaching the metal base. One hole was off-center, but we solved this problem by just not screwing in the hole and only using three of the four holes.

Theodore Taylor - AM

Sup guysss so today we worked on LinkedIn stuff and I think my profile is looking pretty set right now! We also worked on our Explora Vision thing and came up our top 5 solutions/ problems to solve and then after I worked on my robot Valley Fair.

Diego - AM - 60 mins -Rube Goldberg

During open lab time Mr. Burnham talked to us about the dates of the race and how the tracks look. He gave us permission slips o attend the races and training. We then split up into two groups I'm with Stephanie and Ali working on car #1. We started putting on wheels and we still need to put on the hydrogen power supply.

Karson Chu - AM - 30 Min- find the wood I should buy for my magic mirror so its not too heavy

I looked up what wood is a good material to make the frame of my mirror to be out. I was think of using the house building wood but it would be too heavy. so I need to look for something more light weight. So I decide to maybe use MDF wood because they are lighter in weight and they are easier to work with. I also calculated the dimensions of the display and the mirror.

Ivan Perez - AM - 30 min

Today during open lab me and my group worked on our robot club project. I watched a video by Mega Das titled " How to use the Color Sensor with Arduino board (TCS3200 & TCS3210) ." This video gave me a better understanding on how the sensor works. After that i decided to restart and wrote my own code. My partners are working on controlling the motor that moves the sorter. In the future I plan to finish my code.

Trey AM 30 Mins Hydrogen Cars

Today our hydrogen car groups were split up and I was grouped with Dylan and Rikzin. We continued the construction of our car and although we had some trouble with the attachment of the metal base. One hole was off center, but we solved this problem by just not screwing in the hole and only using three of the four holes.

Mateo Chacon

Today in open lab, I coded the servo motor and adjusted it to work with the M&M sorter. In the arduino I used the servo library and wrote a few lines to try and figure out how the servo motor works.

Julian-Am- 30 min

Today we started taking looking at the RC CAR and I started trying to find the code. I also talked with Mr. Burnham on how we should handle this project and about how we should code it. Next time we have time I want to actually start the coding process and start wiring up the car.

Dylan AM 11/18 60 minutes Horizon

What I did

  • Split hydro car teams
    • I am working on car #3
  • Figured out ways to attach hydrogen

What Worked
  • The flat silver metal fits in place
What did't work

  • The long black metal piece does not fit because of the plastic gear guard
What I'm doing next

  • Attaching all the cords

Austin Latour AM 30mins open lab- Robot Club

Today for my 30 minutes I made significant progress on my project. I figured out an easier way to program my machine through gcode. I need to lean how gcode files work and how to integrate that with the arduino but there is much more information on how to do that than there is with midi files.
This is more like a CNC machine now, information is much easier to find.
I hope that in the next couple weeks I can get a working rough prototype.

Connor Guzikowski AM Robot Club 45 Minutes

Today I had success with my robot club project. I started to be able to control a servo pretty accurately with my flex sensor. I need to start making a glove to put the sensor on so I can get a better feel for how the servo moves with the fingers. After that, I need to print my robotic hand so I can start building it and use string to control the hand. I am pretty happy with the progress I have made on my own, now I will be following the instructable I found(for the most part).

Friday, November 15, 2019

Jerico-PM-11/15/19-1hour-Rub Goldberg

          Code Fully Functions
          1st half of the Hardware Functions
Need to do
          Procure hand(Shipping in, en route) and Gun
          Set up ^

saukl-60 min-open lab-rube goldberg

Today in open lab we discussed possible solutions to triggering the motor. We decided on using a sound sensor that is activated by a mouse trap once a domino falls on it. Still need to permanently set up everything.

PM michael rube goldberg 1 hour

I built one more ramp thing along with joshua he did a pipe that will store our marbles at the end for now at least now we have to do some coding and other stuff I am thinkign we count the marbles that seems to fit the build of our track

Anthony Buccat


So we work on the site for 32mins then learn how to use a camera on the tv for another 34 mins then workon the ruth golderd end of the day*

Maya-PM-1 Hour-Chaos 2

We finally go the motor that pushes the magnet over plugged in and set up for the Rube Goldberg Project, but now the light sensor code that was working completely fine will nit work, so we have to take apart the whole set up and make sure nothing but the marbles blocks the light. We also are having issues connecting up with the team after us because they told us to make the photo resistor set up on OUR board, but then made their own thing which is not compatible, so that also needs to be rebuilt. We hot glued a lot of new structures because it kept falling apart, so now we have to undo all of that. The code also is not detecting the magnets at all, I don't think the sensor that we have is a hall magnet sensor.

Lupe-PM-1hr-Open Lab: Redoing everything

Today I worked on our SkillsUSA robot with Anthony. We were trying to decide which camera would work best for our robot. The one we tested out first seems like an excellent choice. There is no delay and it gives a pretty clear picture. It takes a bit to focus, but it does not seem like much of a problem; I can still tell what I am looking at. After we tested it out and wired it and everything, I worked on my Rube Goldberg project. For some reason, I unglued everything to figure out placing again so that is all I did; I re-glued everything back in a better position. Next time I want to focus on setting up our other motor and sensor. Luckily, we have almost all the code set so we do not have that much to worry about.

cindy - PM - 1 HR - Rube Goldberg

Today in open lab, Timothy and I worked on the Rube Goldberg Project. First off, we tested out our windmill with Maya and Angel's team since they are after us. We found a flaw where one of the marbles fell out early. In order to fix this, we glued an extra Popsicle stick to the edge on top of the other Popsicle sticks. After that, we screwed on the servo motor to a wooden block stand and hot glued a third of a Popsicle stick to the wing of the servo motor. We then attached lego blocks to the bottom of the breadboard that a photo resistor is attached to util it matched the height of the Popsicle stick on the servo motor. We finished wiring and working on the code for the servo motor. Next time, we are going to wire up the motor controller to the windmill.

timothy - PM - 1 hour - open lab time

today for open lab i worked on my rube goldberg project with cindy. we found screws to complete the servo part of our project. and we glued a peice onto the servo to make it cover the photo resistor. we had to find the correct height for the photoresistor on the breadboard so we put some legos on the bottom to adjust the height of the photoresistor. We also troubleshooted the windmill so it will not drop any marbles anymore. Then we made some code for the servo and photoresistor and the sound sensor. and next time we are going to finalize everything and write code for the whole project.

11-15-19 Open lab/ robot club Connor Agu

During the  open lab for the Rude Goldberg project were trying to figure out some of the design issues with our project, The first thing we figured out the electronics. We had to figure out how to activate our system using the ultra sonic sensor, and then we had to figure out how to connect the motor to the to our drive system.

Rikzin-AM-Rube Goldburg

Today my partner Brandon was not present I had to work on it alone. I thought of some ideas of sensors and got connected to the people who will be proceeding our project.

AM (60min) Rub Golberg

Today, we finished the other three side of the wheel and also made a basket. WE plan on making the base next time

Nathanielle - Am - 40 min - Rube Goldberg

Today, we tried to solve the problem of trying to spin the lift with the motor. We got the right belt and gears for it, now we need to connect everything and how everything is going to stay up. The main problem we have to solve is making the whole thing stay up at a good height. So when we next work on the Rube Goldberg project, we will have to finish soldering the motor and put everything up.

Ivan Perez Torres - Am - Open lab

Today during open lab we worked on our Rube Goldberg project. My partner and I inserted a bearing into our hammer. I also found a ball that we needed to use. Our goal is to have a tower with a swinging hammer to knock over a ball in a cup. We plan to use some kind of motor to spin our hammer.

Karson Chu - AM - 45Min

We decide that the fan was too weak to push a a pin pong ball so we decide use a motor connected to a string to knock down a PVC pipe that supports a cardboard platform to make a ramp for a ball to roll down. We tried to also control the air flow of the fan but that didn't work either

Christopher Hernandez - AM - 45 Minutes - Rube Goldberg

As mentioned in the previous blog, my partner and I had two options to move an object. The two options were using a fan to lift a platform to allow a ball to move across it, and then ultizing a motor to wind up a string to knock down the platform. We tried out the fan method today. We supplied power to the motor and added a set of legos to disperse the airflow. Unfortunately, the fan wasn't strong enough to lift the ping pong ball. Due to this, we are going to use the dc motor to wind up a piece of string to knock down the platform.
Today, in the group project we came up about 22 ideas. 
  1. Cheap diagnosis for HIV
  2. Stopping mosquitoes
  3. Less harmful AC units
  4. Way to replicate crop burning
  5. Mental Health
  6. Pausing an online game
  7. Internet in a box
  8. Robocop for sex traffickers
  9. Better airport screening devices
  10. Oil Spills
  11. Ocean detrasher
  12. Clean water for developing nations
  13. Better solar panels
  14. Better jet engines 
  15. Material to replace concrete and rebar
  16. Construction accidents
  17. Better carrying case for pets
  18. Device to detect problems for your pets
  19. Prevent heatstroke 
  20. A robot firefighter
  21. A car that tells you if you forget something
  22. A car that start by itself (for example, in the morning you start your car and you have to wait for like 5 minutes so that it will work well for the whole day) In the Goldberg project we code a code for the lights.
Today in open lab I started to begin to write my code on my arduino for my rube goldburg project. I started to code my LEDs which I want them to turn on very slowly like a dimming light. I also got my styrofoam hammer on a wooden stick by using the hot glue gun.

Theodore Taylor - AM - Explora Vision - Rube Goldberg Project

Hey guys its me Theo, back at it again with another blog post! So today we met the new teacher in training named Jonathan! He is pretty friendly and smart and he's a cool guy to talk to! After that introduction we got into our groups and discussed the competition for Explora Vision and we came up with cool ideas such as detecting IED's, cleaning up the pacific garbage patch with planes, and even 3d printing houses for the homeless. It was super fun and I really like my group that I am paired up with ^_^. Anyways after that we made a little progress on the Rube Goldberg project and that was pretty much it. Thanks for reading my blog!! I shall see you guys in the next one!! BYEEEEEE

Diego - AM - 45 mins -Rube Goldberg

During the open lab time I worked on the Rube Goldberg project. Right now I'm trying to run a DC motor with the motor controller, I got everything connected I just got to write the code,

Austin Latour AM 45 mins open lab Rube GoldBerg Project

Todya for the 45 mins of open lab my partner and I made progress on our contraption, we soldered the photo resistor rig up and figured out a way for the ball to trigger the next thing.


Today during open lab me and ivan used the drill to cut out a whole in the handle of our foam hammer pendulum so we could put a barring in to make it swing. We also used a drill to put wholes in some sticks so we could add them for support on the hammer. were going to have a hammer swing and hit a ball that rolls onto some kind of track with a button detector.

Julian-AM-rube goldberg

Today we followed our plan and actually created the ramp to start off the course. We also created a support beam to hold up our platform. On Monday we plan to finish gluing the ramp together and also figure out what type of motor we are using for the end of the track.

Michelle - AM - 35 minutes- Making the stands for the Ramp

My partner Jasmin was not here today so I had a hard time figuring out what I'm able to do today of what my partner wanted. We originally planned to have an "Impossible Balls Illusion" but when I worked with David, I saw that the angle would be a major problem. We would have to look at a certain angle to see the Illusion. I will confirm with Jasmin next class that we will have to go with a ramp and program the wheels of the motor.

Dylan AM 40 minutes 11/15 Rube Goldberg

What I did

  • Built seat for lego man
  • glued spring into pipe
What Worked
  • the lego man is launched
What Didn't Work
  • He is not launched very precisely.
What I'm doing next
  • Working with trey to get motors attached.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Anthony Buccat


Today we been reading a story why about the magize by 25 mins then work on our for 30mins then I work with Raymond on the ruth goldernd project end of the day.

Kyle Todd - PM - Rube Goldberg Project - 1 hour

Today I continued working on My Rube Goldberg Project as of right now. My partner and I ran into a few problems (belt being stuck or not finding the right screws) but we figured ways to fix those and now we are back on track. This project is enjoyable right now and it is pretty challenging trying to figure out what goes where.

saul-60min-rube goldberg

Today during open lab, I soldered wires unto the motor,then onto the motor controller. Then I  downloaded the code for the motor controller onto the Arduino. Next time we will set up the  platform.

Jerico-11/14-PM-1hour-Rub Goldberg

          Smol Button Works
          Nuke Button Works
          Test Codes For Everything Complete
Need to do
                    Cap Gun
          Assemble actual "GUNMAN" mechanism

Lupe-Pm-1hr 30min-Open Lab: Figuring out Motors and Sensors

Today, Mr. Burnham helped Nguyen and I figure out how to connect and place our motors and sensors. We made a new item with the photo resistor that can be reused for the next classes which I find really cool. I am super excited to see our project completed and see how they connect with the others. We have all the code we need, we just need to wire up our sensors and motors and we will be all set. We want to connect a servo motor to a mini cannon to knock down our dominoes which will be triggered by a sound sensor that is yet to be places. A special thanks to Mr. Burnham for helping out a lot with our photo resistor:))

PM Michael Hartley rube goldberg project 1 hour

So I made a little marble track and that was fun and I tested it with our other parts of track and it works now we need to put our seneor in and then write the code. Maybe put some more support in other spots.

Cindy - PM - 1 HR - Rube Goldberg Project

Today during open lab, Timothy and I hot glued Popsicle sticks to the edges of the windmill in order to prevent the marbles from falling out before they are supposed to. Our edges consisted of three popsicle sticks glued in a pyramid fashion. We also glued a lego to the back of the popsicle sticks in order to secure in. After that, we started wiring and working on the codes for the servo motor. Next time, we are going to continue working on the code and wiring for the servo motor.

Maya-PM-1.5 hours-Rube Golburg

We spent some time coding and trying to get our motor to work, and we had to make a design that would be able to whack the magnet onto the magnet sensor. It's still not quite working but the motor has been soldered and an attachment has been designed that would in theory work. We also set up a stand to hold the LED pole that is basically our output, but we can't figure out how to set it up on the board in a good way, so that the team after us can use it easily. We had code that we thought worked but when I took out the wires to do the LCD lesson I guess I screwed something up, so we rewired it and had no time to test it.

timothy - PM - 1 hour - rube goldberg project

today for open lab I worked on my rube goldberg project with cindy. We finished the windmil and ramp for the marbles. we had to keep the marbles from falling before it got to the hole soe we put popsicle stick barriers so it would not fall our and we supported those with legos. after we finished that we started to write code and wire the things so we could make sure that everything could work. And next time we are going to finish the wiring and code and work on the servo and photo resistor.

Joshua H. (PM) 11/14/2019

Michael H. and I are working as a team. He's mostly building the track while I provide parts for him, and I check the things he's doing to see if this is a good idea.

Rikzin Schultens-AM-Rube Goldburg project.

Brandon and I worked on the Rube Goldburg project. We worked on making a ramp for our lego car to drive down and launch a marble off of. We used hot glue and wooden sticks to lift the ramp and a cardboard cup to hold the marble.
Today we chose an article and wrote about it. Then with my partner Mateo finish 70% of our project. We did an Elvator

Karson Chu- AM - 1hour

We made a few ideas to make our project. we decide to make a ramp that drops down make a marble role down. We programmed a servomotor to drop the card board box. We might have problem with the pulling part because the servomotor the servomotor can only move a little bit. So we might use a cardboard under the plank and the cardboard under the plank is going to be pulled away making the plank drop into a ramp for a marble to roll down from.

Mateo Chacon Open Lab 11/14/19

Today in open lab I made a hammer out of styrofoam so I can hit a ping pong ball in my rube goldberg project. It came out really good. After that I made a elevator out of legos and included a window.

Michelle - AM - 45 minutes - Ultrasonic of Kuman Car SM11

I was working on coding the ultrasonic sensor of the Kuman Car SM11 but I did struggle. The code was written incorrectly when I did have the right connections but I was able to solve the issue by talking it out with Mr. Burnham. Next time I'll be programming the motors to move the car.

Christopher - AM - 1 Hour - Rube Goldberg

During the first five minutes of the Rube Goldberg project, I finished working on the magazine assignment. For the magazine assignment, I looked into how the brain functions. As for the Rube Goldberg project, my partner and I worked on the servo motor. I assembled the servo motor with one dial, and then added an additional dial on top of it. This would result in a + shape design. The idea behind this was that a fishing wire would be placed under the first dial and then be attached to the other dial. The resulting design would be cause their to be an U shaped hook. Ultimately, the fishing wire would be attached to a cardboard platform. Once the sensor detects a presence, the servo motor would activate lifting the cardboard platform. The platform is slanted down, and so once the servo motor turns on, the servo motor would lift the platform creating the bridge. One of the issues we have though is that we likely need at least a 180 degree motor if not a 360 degree servo motor for more power. The other plan we came up with was that instead of using the motor, we would have a fan blowing up the cardboard. At the end of the day, we decided to use a servo motor.

Robot club 11-14-19

Today during open lab we were figuring how to mount the pole to our board. The top of the pole is top heavy so we were trying to find the best way to have a strong base. We were going to drill out a hole for then end of the PVC pipe to fit into but we decided to just hot glue it directly to the wood. we also soldered our wires to our directional motor that we will use.

Nathanielle - AM - 1hr - Rube Goldberg

Today my Connor and I worked on our Rube Goldberg project and we have figured out how to make it work. We soldered the motor and then tomorrow, we will finish the  soldering. We have also added a base for our PVC pipe and figured out how to make the cup spill. Tomorrow, we will start to put it together and finish the soldering. The problems we still have is making the other axis spin freely vertically and the fact that the support might be too weak to carry everything we will add on top. We also need to start coding the whole thing but we figured out who is going after us and before us but it isn't certain.

Theodore Taylor - AM - Rube GoldBerg project VERY little progress 11/14/2019

Hey guys whats up its me, Theo back at it again, and today I SORTA worked on my Rube GoldBerg project. It has been a little difficult because my partner was absent for a few days and I didn't really have a set plan on what to do HOWEVER that changed today! Our plan is to have  a lego car be released via a wooden block gate and drive around a little track and get close enough (3cm) to an ultrasonic sensor that will trigger the next persons project. We sort of planned it out and my partner and I will be the first in the series to start off the whole chain, and the group after ours (Kylie and Stephanie) will be the second person in the loop and it will then continue from there. We didn't build the track yet but we have an idea on what to do and so well go from there. Hopefully I can write about it tomorrow but other than that, that is all for today's blog entry! Hope everyone has a good day today! See y'all in the next one!! ^_^

Brandon Smith Rube Gold AM 11/14/19

Built a ramp and a carrier for the marble

AM (60 min) Rube Goldberg Ferris Wheel

Today, me and Kylie attached both sides of the ferris wheel to the axel. We had to re drill the hole because last time we did it, it did not do through completely. Then we hammered the sides in. We tapped two popsicle sticks to 3 sides of the hexagon, so next time, we will finish the last three. We also plan to create a base for the wheel to stand on, but haven't figured out how. After looking at Theo's contraption, we changed our sensor to the ultrasonic sensor to sense distance when his car get close enough to trigger a marble.

Ivan Perez Torres - AM - Open lab

Today during open lab I worked on my Rube Goldberg project. My partner is John but he wasn't here today. I cut out pieces of Styrofoam and made a mallet. I had to super glue it for extra strength. Its purpose it to knock over or push a ball when It detects any kind of movement. I expect to work on the positioning of the items on my board next time we work on this.

Julian-AM-Robot club

Today I got to work with Theo and we made a solid plan. Our plan is to use an ultrasonic sensor and to make a track for a car to go around and will start off with a hit of a button releasing the car and making it go down the track. After going through the track it will go to the other groups track and hit a marble. I want to develop this plan more tomorrow

Austin Latour AM Rube GoldBerg Project

Today for the one hour of time we were given for the Rube GoldBerg project. My partner and I were able to get a lot done. We made a photo resistor sensor form PVC pipe to detect the marble. We also figured out how to place the fan for optimal pushing force on the sail. We have to solder the photoresistor rig together tomorrow and get the rest if the stuff placed down. We found a group that will trigger our part we just need to find someone to go after us.

Connor Guzikowski - AM - 1 Hour - Rube Goldberg

Today my partner and I made progress on our Rube Goldberg project by creating a shaft for the marble to roll down that will trigger a photo resistor, we drilled a hole in the shaft to create a spot for the photo resistor to be secured into. We also created a frame for the fan to be held up. Tomorrow we will solder wires to the photo resistor to hook it up to the arduino, and we will create a track for the car to run on. Hopefully we can get a majority of our work done tomorrow, it depends on how much time we have and how efficiently we can work.

Diego - AM - 1 hour -Rube Goldberg

During the open lab hour I worked on the Rube Goldberg project. I want to connect a DC motor to a motor controller but I have to connect wires first to the controller. Then I have to code it. I'm trying to make some kind of thing were an arm carries a marble into a trap door.

Dylan AM 60 minutes Rube Goldberg

What I Did

  • Worked on the seesaw launcher
  • Cut and glued Popsicle sticks
  • Added the main swinging arm
What Worked
  • The stand fit together well
  • The flat supports on the bottom worked
  • The top arm that goes across the swinging arm to keep it in place was added in
What Didn't Work
  • The Swinging arm would move after launch
What I'm doing next
  • Adding in a seat to hold our lego man
  • Adding a small angled support so the seesaw doesn't slide out as much
  • Building a contraption to launch the lego man

Trey AM 60 Mins Seesaw Catapult

Today Dylan and I worked on the seesaw catapult for our Rube Goldberg project. We got the catapult to working order after much cutting and trimming of our popsicle sticks and now only need to make a seat for our lego stuntman. Tomorrow we will be making the mechanical hammer that will launch our stuntman.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Jerico-PM-1hour-Rub Goldberg

          Code Basically Done
Need to do
          Procure stuff
                    Cap Gun
          Mount said pieces to Board
          Finish Assembly

Cindy - PM - 1 HR - Rube Goldberg Project

Today in open lab, I worked on the windmill portion of the Rube Goldberg Project. We wired the DC motor to a 5V and built a support system for the motor. When we first tried hot gluing the motor directly to the ramp, the motor was too heavy and it fell off the ramp. To solve this, we built a support system out of legos to support the motor. We also glued the wings of the windmill to the axis of the motor. Next time, we are going to attach pipe cleaners to a piece of cardboard and glue the cardboard under the wings of the windmill in order to prevent the marbles from falling out before they reach the entry.

PM Michael Hartley hour

So I spent most of the time building leg suport that is 19 bricks high and 3 bricks long and that was it and i did some of that work place thing and that was all I did I am planing to build more supports in the future.

Lupe-PM-1hr-Open Lab: Placing the Components in the Correct Place Using a Low Quality Glue Gun

Today I worked on setting everything in place. 80% of my struggle and time was trying to get the glue gun to function properly. It wouldn't heat up the glue and when it did, the glue was not hot enough and would dry up quickly. It was super annoying. I finally got it working and placed everything where it needed to be. That was the most satisfying part of the whole thing. I also found out I need thread for the fishing line instead of using actual fishing line. The fishing line is too hard to wind up and tie. Nguyen and I will also need help setting up the sensors and the motor, just a little advice on how to set it up for what we want to do. Nguyen worked on the code for the motors and the sensors and they seem to be working. We got some progress done and will may be finished by the end of the week.

Maya -PM-2 Hours-LEGO stuff

I working on my Rube Goldberg Project for 2 hours. I tried to make a stand to put the marble reading thing onto but then I looked at the group before me and realized how tall it was supposed to be. Then I had to take apart the structure and I decided to use LEGO's instead because the pipes and cardboard were pretty flimsy. I set that up and then I did the motor that pushed the magnet over. The last thing I have to do is set up the magnet detecting part of my Rube Goldberg Machine, and then reconnect with Lupe/Nguyen who go after us, so that our output, an LED, will properly work. Most of the structures are done, and the code seems to be working but the magnet detection is kind of flimsy.

timothy - PM - 1 hour - open lab time

today for open lab i worked on the rube goldberg project with cindy. We created a piece where there is a motor attached and made a windmil out of hair curler things. then we put the motor on the inclined plane where marbles are going to roll down and we stabaliezed the motor onto the piece with legos and superglue. next we are going to make the light sensor part of our project.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Jerico-PM-1hour&15min-Rub Goldberg

Started on Framework
          Got the Button Stand Down
          Relay is Set up
          Motor Works

Need To Do
          Procure Materials
                    Cap Gun
          Set up Everything Else
          Get the Reading for LOUD Sensor

Anthony Buccat

Today we been listerning to Mr.Burnham about the project for 1 hour and 2 min then work on 2 hours  26 mins on the project looking for things and plan what we do next like what tech idea we used for.

saul-open lab-90 min-rube goldberg

During the open lab we designed the lay out of our project. We got our materials and decided what we did and didn't want to use.We drilled holes onto our platform to install steel rails that we will use next time to elevate our platform.We plan to make a tall two foot structure.We have yet to write the code.

PM Michael Hartley hour

So I came up with a bonch of  stuff  and changed some joshua helped me with the building and he did some testing of the designs. But the next thing is to put up some more supports.

Lupe-PM-1hr 15min- Open Lab

We picked out our pieces for our project and we worked on building placing our objects. Next we will work on our code.

Cindy - PM - 1 HR - Rube Goldberg Preoject

Today in open lab, Timothy and I worked on the Rue Goldberg Project. We gathered our materials and starting assembling the layout. The wing part that is going to be attached to the servo motor is made of a white Styrofoam. We attached the servo motor to a 3D printed mount that we attached to a wooden plank. We found hair rollers that we are going to put marbles in for the windmill. Next time, we are going to finish the mount for the servo motor and hot glue the hair rollers to the gear.

timothy - PM - 1 hour - rube goldberg

today, me and cindy worked on the rube goldberg project. we started on building the contraption and we decided to make our thing roll marbles to trigger the next thing. We had to build some structures to make it fit our needs and are working to create a platform for a servo and a photo resistor. Next time we work on this we are going to finish the servo platform and create  a windmill for the marble rolling. This will create a slow moving windmill and then will roll marbles. And we will probably wire up the things and write up some code.

Nguyen-PM-1 hour-Rube Goldberg

Today, we continued to work on the Rube Goldberg project. We had trouble on connecting wire to a stick with motor. Also, we tried to minimize the space , then everything can fit on the board. We planned to work on the code over the weekend, also try to solve those problems.

Kyle Todd - PM - 1 Hour - Open Lab

Today I continued working on my Rube Goldberg Project with my partner Saul. We just figured out the setup of how our pulley system but our problems are that we were having trouble finding sockets that fit the bolts for the base to be secure in the holes that we drilled in. We are planning on trying to integrate a printer belt of a printer into it and modifying it to be like a sort of elevator for our piece. we will be continuing on how to properly do this next week.

Maya-PM-! hour-Rube Goldberg

So we worked on the Rube Goldberg Project and we got the code to be fully functional and now we need to assemble the actual board. The issue had been the magnet detection, but now that it can detect the magnet, we just need to make sure that the magnet actually falls on the sensor. The next class we will work on building a stand to properly connect up with the groups before and after us, we need to receive magnets and we also need to let the group after us see a light.

Nathanielle - AM - 1hr - Ski Lift

Today we worked on the Rube Goldberg Machine. We have an idea of making a ski lift moving a ball up into a tube which leads to a canon. The main problem we have is how to drop the ball into a tube and how to shoot the ball.

Mateo Chacon

Today in open lab me and Ali worked on our rube goldberg machine.We brainstormed the ways we can use LEDs in our project. The main function is to smash/pound chicken.

Christopher - AM - 30 minutes - Rube Goldberg

For the Rube Goldberg project, one of the teams is going to have a ball travel in front of our sensor. Our sensor would then trigger a motor would then hit something else to trigger a sensor for another another team. So far, we made sure that the ultrasonic censor is working. In the sensor, we connected all the pins and applied code to it. In this code, we are planning for the sensor to be activated once a projectile comes with 20 centimeters of the sensor. What we have to do now is that we have to apply code to make the motor function.

Kylie T - 1 hr - AM

I drew up a design for our Rube Goldberg project. We are going to have a marble come from an outside source, and it will fall or land inside of a funnel, that has a back board. Then it'll fall into a basket and will go around a wheel. Then it'll fall onto a sensor that will activate the next boards thingy. I also watched a video on how to build a lego wheel, because we want to use legos in our design for the wheel and basket.
Today, I summarized my profile in my linkedin account. After then, we started doing partner project. We planned our idea. Then we collected what we need for the project.

AM (60min) Ambassador

I was giving a tour for the Ambassador Program and came back around 9:20.  I found out that our contraption will either be after Connor and Austin or Theo. Kylie wrote our name on the board.

Theodore Taylor - AM - Ambassador tour

HEY GUYS, back at it again with another blog post. Today I gave a your actually the whole day and it was super fun but it also made me very nervous. Which is fine because when i'm nervous I smile :D. However on my adventure tour I ran into a lion in the safari. That lion was the Law Enforcement teacher and me being a level 2 scrub I fled with my expedition. It was scary cause one of my crew members tried to fight the lion but lost. Her name Karen LOL but anyways yeah so I got yelled at by that teacher but thats okay he didn't know I guess? Anyways that's it for this blog post and Ill see you guys in the next one ;) BYEEEEE

Karson Chu AM - 30mins rodgoberge project

Today, me and Christopher worked on the project. We discussed how were were going to program the our project. we are going to use an ultra sonic sensor that when something gets closer to he sensor, a motor will turn on and hit something else. We are going to attach  something to the motor to hit something else.

Ivan Perez - 40 min - Rube Goldberg

Today in open lab Jon, my partner, and I were brainstorming ideas that we could create. We saw a prebuilt air plane launcher. We connected to it to make sure it was working correctly. We will test what is the best way to launch an air plane and detect it with a sensor.

11-8 19 Blog post Connor Agu

Today during open lab we made a basic sketch for our rude goldberg project. We collect ted materials for the ball lift and drip system that were going to build.

Connor Guzikowski AM Rube Goldberg Project

Today we tested how a solenoid would work with catapulting a marble. After realizing it may be unsuccessful, we decided to change our part to instead have a sail car. The car will be pushed by a fan, and it will bring a marble across the board. After it gets to the end, the marble will roll out of the car, because the car will hit a block, come to an abrupt stop, and the marble will be pushed out into the next board.

Brandon Smith Rub goldberg Hour - AM 11/8/19

Thought of ideas

Solenoid valve?

Austin Latour AM one hour open lab - Rube GoldBerg project

Today for the one hour of time to work on the Rube GoldBerg project, my partner and I found a DC blower that we plan to use for our part. We plan to have a sensor, we are not sure what it will be, trigger the blower to run and push a small car with a sail on it move and bring the marble to the next group's contraption. The car's sudden stop will cause the marble to roll off the car and into the next groups thing.

AM-5mins-Rikzin-Student Ambassador

I had to do a student ambassador tour of the campus. I got back like 5 mins until we had to clean up.

Diego - AM - 30 min -Rube Goldberg

My partner Sean was not here today because since he is a student ambassador he had to give a tour of the school to some people throughout the day. I basically just went on you tube and watched videos on electronic Rube Goldberg machines for inspiration and ideas. After that I searched up on how the ultrasonic sensor works since it is one of our sensors that we are working with. 

Trey AM 60 Minutes Rube Goldberg

Today I worked with Dylan to brainstorm the way our part in the rube goldberg project will function. We are going to prototype using rubber bands and springs to make our mechanism function and pvc pipes to build our tall man. We spent the time gathering the materials we might use, so there wasn't any problems we really ran in to

Dylan AM 60 minutes Rube Goldberg

What I Did

  • Worked on Rube Goldberg project with Trey
  • Collected springs for mechanism
  • Collected PVC pipes for main body
  • Ripped hot glue off of pipes
What Worked
  • Hot glue came off
  • Main body design will probably work
  • Springs design are good
What Didn't Work
  • Some of the glue was hard to remove
  • We got good springs but one of them is perfect, except that its a little too wide.

Michelle - AM - 2 hr - Student Ambassador Tour

I was doing student ambassador tour the whole entire and I came back around 9:10AM, so I was given 5 minutes to work with the  Rube GoldBerg Project Plan with Jasmine. The tour was bad because none of the teachers were prepared and I feel like the coordinator needed to communicate it better. I will try to make up any work that was missed in the class though.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Jerico-PM-1Hour-Rub Golberg

Designed the Rub Goldberg Machine piece. 
          Clarence Hits a Button
          Button Starts hand to pull trigger
          Cap Gun Goes Off

Found parts for Procurement
          Obnoxious Cap Gun
          Fake Dexterous Hand

Back up plan
Balloon pop
Confetti Popper

Saul-Rube Goldberg Project Overview.

Kyle and I talked out concepts we could include having in our Rube Goldberg project,before coming to the conclusion that we will be using either a DC/Stepper motor that will that will be controlled by a push-button sensor.The motor will turn a gear,which will be mounted on a platform,possibly PVC. The rotating gear will be affixed to a teethed chain that will turn when mounted on two separate motors. On this chain will be a holding chamber that will allocate a ball/marble that will be set at the bottom,bring it upwards,and then drop it on a a push-button. This will set off a servo that will hit a mouse trap and launch a marble into a target.

PM michael Hartley rube golberg hour

MY partner is joshua and we have had ideas for our sensor and we think the distance sensor is one of the ones we will use. Other wise our plan is to do 2 marble trace and have a door at one of them and the other track is going to have the sensor and it is going to activate when the marble gets close and then open the door.


So we been talking about the Rube Goldberg by Mr.Burnham for like 1 hour 23 mins then we have the break for 10 mins then chatting the idea with Raymond to make the Ruth Golderg machine to the end the of day.

Kyle Todd - PM - Rube Goldberg Project - 1 hour

Today our class has started our Rube Goldberg project and I was paired off with my classmate Saul. We are planning to be putting our piece towards the beginning or ending of the project. our piece of it is going to be an elevator/pulley system with the help of a push button sensor. We already have the design down for our prototype and waiting to see if we can do any improvements of it in the near future.

timothy - PM - 1 hour - rube goldberg project

My team is made up of me and cindy. We are going to go off of nico and jericho's one and use a sound sensor to sense a gunshot. and then it will trigger a motor that will trigger a  photoresistor. And then it will make a motor move slowly with a windmill pattern on it. then it will have marbles in the gaps where it will be sent to maya and angel's project. And that is pretty much it.

Cindy Tran - PM - Rube Goldberg Project

For the Rube Goldberg Project, our team is starting off with a sound sensor. Once it is triggered, our servo or stepper motor is going to turn a wing to cover a photo resistor. Once the photo resistor is covered, our windmill with five wings will start to spin. In the wing of each windmill is a marble and the marble is going to drop in a tube for the next team.


Today we chose our partner for the Rube Goldberg project. I picked Nguyen because I have never worked with him before, I am sure this will be a fun and new experience to work with someone new. We tried to think of all the motors and sensors we wanted to do. We brainstormed as we sketched so that it would be easier to keep track of our thoughts. We had many ideas and we also scratched many out too. We "finalized" on our sensors and our motors. We want to use the light sensor to be able to go after Maya and Angel, then we want to use a sound sensor to be able to activate a motor. We have two motors that we want to use. We want to use a DC motor for our fishing line and another motor for our spring. There is a lot going on in our project, but it is quite simple if you really think about it. We used up our open lab time to try and figure out the code and stuff. To see if we can write the whole thing on our own or if we need to get bits and pieces from other ones on the net.

Nguyen-PM-30 mins- Rube GoldBerg machine idea

Today, Lupe and I plan to work on Rube Goldberg machine idea.

Light sensor       Sound sensor       DC motor       fishing line        stick        spring        bar       domino
fork        bowl    3 balls

How it work:

We put our light sensor near the LED.

When previous group makes their LED turn on/ off.

The motor will turn clockwise to release the ball 1 from a great height ( which is work as reverse of  fishing)

The ball 1 will drop to head of the fork, which make the ball 2 on the end jump up high.

Then the ball 2 will drop to the bowl, which makes sound

The sound sensor will release the bar, which make a compress spring releases a great force to ball 3

Finally, ball 3 will hit other dominoes.

Maya PM 1 hour Rube-Goldberg

So we designed something that would:
1. Count Marbles
2.Turn on a motor when 4 marbles were counted
3.Whack a magnet when the motor turned on
4.Magnet triggers hall magnet sensor
5.LED turns on, final output
Our code is a basic untested version but this is what we got:

int ldrValue = 0;
const int Ainput=A0;
int range = 0;
int Dark;
int motorPin=5;
int LED=2;
void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:
  attachInterrupt(0, magnet_detect, RISING);//thing for the magnet sensor

void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
  ldrValue = analogRead(Ainput);
  range = map(ldrValue, 0, 1023, 0, 255);//Light sensor
  Serial.println(range);//counts when it is dark, meaning a marble has rolled over the sensor

  if (Dark>=4)
    delay(2000);//turns on motor when 4 marbles roll over

 void magnet_detect() {
   Serial.println("detect");//magnet sensor that turns on led

Connor Agu blog post 11-7-19 Rude gold burge project

Partner: Nathanielle
 Are project will be a lift system  that has a ball that goes up a lift at the top it goes down a hill and  goes back down. We will use the ultrasonic sensor,  and a  DC motor. 

Michelle - AM - 9:20AM- Rube GoldBerg Project

My teammate is Jasmine. Our plan is to have a kuman car SM11 move then push a marble up into an illusion triangle down into the corner where a bunch of marbles would pile up.  The car is exerting enough force for the marbles to move on it's own to be rolling down a ramp. Our input is a button then the output is marbles piling up. This is my idea based on Jasmine's initial plan for right now.

Austin Latour 30mins Open Lab- Rube GoldBerg project

My partner is Connor Guzikowski We were discussing a possible catapult or moving stair lift as seen in one of the videos watched in class. We are considering using an ultrasonic sensor and some solenoids with a relay. We also made a sketch of our device.

Nathanielle - AM - Rube Goldberg Machine

I an working on the Rube Goldberg Machine with Connor Agu. The sensor we plan on using is ultrasonic so when something gets close, it activates our dc motor. Our motor will power our ski lift moving a ball up and then dropping it down a ramp to activate the next contraption.

Theodore Taylor - AM - Ruthgoldberd Project and MORE

What is up guys its me Theo back at it again with another blog and today we  did a few things actually. We finally got the Cisco thing working today and worked on the career ready skills thing and then we discussed what we would do for the Ruthgoldberd Project. My partner is Julian and we discussed a few sensors and things we could use for our project. We thought about servo motors, ultrasonic sensors, line tracking sensors, and RGB sensors! We didn't have enough time to discuss anything else but there's more ideas we have on the way! >.<

AM (20min) Ruth Goldberg Project

Kylie and I plan on making a ferris wheel where it uses a light/motion sensor to detect an object that will activate a stepper motor which will turn the wheel. The wheel will carry a marble to the other side and drop it on a declining ramp. I have to find a wheel that is light enough for the motor to rotate. Another problem we will have to look into is the chain that will bring the marble across the wheel. Another idea was launching a marble by a plastic spoon glued to a stepper motor.

Kylie T - 30 min - AM

We got into our Rube Goldberg groups, my partner is Stephanie. We're going to use a light/motion sensor and use a stepper motor for the wheel that we want to create, possibly with Legos. The wheel is going to carry a marble and be activated by the sensor and dropping the marble off on the next station.

Christopher - AM - 10 Mins

My partner is Karson and we plan to use the ultrasonic sensor. In our segment, we plan to have a car travel in front of the sensor. The sensor would detect the car which would then activate the motor. This motor would then launch a marble or activate an elevator to bring a marble to another location.

Karson Chu AM- 10 min

My partner Christopher and I have come up with an idea rodgoldburg project. we plan to use a distance sensor to detect the distance of an object. when object gets closer the code activates a motor that is going to hit a ball.

Connor Guzikowski AM Rube Goldberg

My partner is Austin Latour, and we had plans to have a sensor (need to know what the group is doing before us before we specify which one), that when triggered, it will cut a ball off a string, then the ball will be elevated from solenoid to solenoid, as if it were going up some stairs. We also made a sketch of our design.

Brandon Smith AM Rube Goldberg

My teammate is Rikzen and were thinking about a photo resistor and a servo or something

Trey - AM- 10Mins - Brainstorming

My partner is Dylan Ang
Ideas for Sensors/Motors

  • Reed Switch
  • Sound Sensor
  • DC Motor
  • Cam

Ideas for Contraption

  • Stick Figure with Wooden Pole Attachment 
    • On spring with latch  
    • Foil on tip, with wire attached
    • Pole springs down, makes contact with other foil
    • Use cam if he is jumping and landing on something
    • Servo if not
  • Dominos
  • Ball Stairs

Rube Goldburg project RIkzin/Brandon

I will be teaming up with Brandon currently plan on using a photoresistor sensor.

Diego - AM - 30 min -Rube Goldberg

Working with Sean on working on the Rube Goldberg Project. Brainstorming on what creation to make. Sensors we thought of in using is the ultrasonic sensor by activating it with the speaker playing a song and when it reaches a specific frequency the ball will be released down into a slide hitting a switch and activating a hammer. This is what we came up with for the time being but the main focus is moving marble


For my rude golberg project im working with ivan and were using hotwheel tracks and a motor to send a hotwheel crashing into something.

Dylan AM 10 minutes Brainstorming RG

All Ideas for sensors

  • Reed Switch
  • It has hand and something high fives it
  • Sound sensor, someone plays, "Its TIME!"

All Ideas for Contraption
  • Stick figure with wooden pole attachment between legs
    • On a spring with a latch
    • Foil on tip, with wire attached
    • Pole springs down, makes contact with other foil
    • USE A CAM if hes jumping and landing on pole
    • USE A SERVO if just pole is swinging
  • dominoes
  • ball stairs


The sensor we want to use is a ultra sonic sensor. We also are going to need servo motors. We want to make a stop light system where it will push a ball then stop it and go again and then shoot off a ramp

Mateo Chacon

In open lab my partners are Ali. I came up with a device that starts by pressing a push button, that then triggers a servo motor to pull a sting that releases a marble that gets detected by a ultra sound sensor. As soon as it gets close it plays a bang that then has a hammer fall on to a raw chicken.

Sean Wainzinger AM 15 minutes Goldberg-topic

Diego and I conversed on our Rube Goldberg project. Figuring out what sensors to use. Right now thinking of ultrasonic sensor, speaker, servo(for hammer), motion sensor (for trap door container and "rail effects") and dc motor (for scissor press).

Ivan Perez Torres - AM - 25 min - Rube Goldberg Project

In open lab today we chose our partners I asked John if he wanted to be my partner. We came up with the idea that we should incorporate a big hot wheel car loop where we have a motion detector sense the car hit the target. We need to see what else we would need in order to complete this task.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

PM Michael hartley hour

So I helped kyle and then helped slash maybe broke the robot an dthen help the drivers ed thing and then took on the couch potato thign

saul-60min-open lab-driving simulator

Today during open lab, Jerico was able to take the seat off the driving simulator by unscrewing 4 bolts that held it in place. Then we unscrewed the instruments,and one of the screws was wasted.We were able to unplug the wires connecting the steering wheel to the pedals.

Kyle Todd - PM - Open Lab - 1 Hour

       Today I have made some final cutting of PVC pipe for the camera tower for the time being. This pool camera tower will be used to hold a camera over the water, and help record the submarines that I was told this was for and made substantial progress. I was told by Mr. Burnham to find another robot club project, so I decided that I join my classmates Jericho and Saul in taking apart an old driving simulator machine and help them in any way.


Today I got assigned my SkillsUSA robot. Anthony, my partner, and I chose to pick Saturn's Rings. We were practicing how to drive it, but then the tracks fell off. We spent the whole time figuring out how the wheels fit on it and figuring out how it work. Anthony fixed them like a pro. Next we are going to discuss the claw and figure out if we want that one or if we want a new one.

timothy - PM - 1 hour - open lab and tardis

today i helped with making the top of the tardis cabinet. we measured and sketched what was needed and decided to make the box hollow instead of stacking foam on top of each other. So we made new measurements of the box and started placing the measurements on the foam and are going to cut it the next time we get.

Cindy - PM - 1HR - Tardis

Today in open lab, we worked on marking up the measurements for the top front of the closet Tardis. The bottom panel that is going right ontop of the closet is 50.5 inches. The panel that is going to be glued behind the panel, with three inches sticking out from the top. The second panel is 48 inches in length and 5 in in height. Since 3 inches of the height of the wooden panel is sticking out from the top, 2 inches of the panel is going to be glued to the first panel. The last and top wooden panel is 46 inches in length and also 5 inches in height. The height is also going to stick out by 3 inches. The top of the Tardis is going to resemble a pyramid.

Maya PM 1 Hour-Robot CLub

So I started off by doing some rough designs on the Claw machine, and how it would work, so the next big stuff I need to do is figure out the wiring of the gantry and the frame, because that determines the size of the area and how I code it. I spent about 10 minutes on that and then I was talking to Nick and making a series of designs for his dog food project. We talked about different things like how the blades would hold weight and not get jammed and how the communication would work. The next step for that project is to make a series of mock designs, which I have unofficially joined in on because the team kind of dispersed. 

Nguyen- PM- 1 hour- Coding Activity

I worked on an assignment of merging array, which is related to my schedule robot. For example, when user put duplicate type of jobs or numbers, then the output only take one value.

Nathanielle- AM - 1hr - Breaking Louie

During our open lab, Conner and I started to take apart Louie our robot. We want to completely redesign the robot so that it can use the omnidirectional wheels and to make it look better. So far, we have just dismantled it and made some ideas. The main problem is putting it together again and getting some ideas to open the mailbox and grab the small box.

AM (1hr) hydro car

We connected the pipes by following the manual guide, but it was another model and since it was clear, it is hard to follow. We then tested which main components does what by unplugging and plugging the connectors while steering: found the small cube is receiver and signal and it also works without the hydrocar (same speed). We were curious to know if the hydrosticks fuel the battery or acts as an accelerator. We plan to layout the parts and then tape them down next time.

Rikzin Schultens-AM-1hr-Robot club

Today I worked on the hydrogen car robot club project. We worked on looking at the assembly tutorial and following the instructions. We tested the drive and the hydrogen batteries.

Diego - AM - 1 hour -Open Lab

During open Lab me and my team worked on the hydrogen car. We were done connecting everything up and building it up the problem we stumbles with was how to organize all components, wires and the actual hydrogen cell device. We spent about an hour trying to solve this but we only got little done we know where to locate the speed controller and the receiver but the biggest problem of them all was to figure out where to but the hydrogen device.

Christopher - AM - 1 Hour - Vex Robotics

During this time period I made sure all the components were assembled correctly. This meant that I check to see if the motors were attached to the right pins and made sure that the wheels rotated in the right direction. I learned that by looking over the instructions, I had to tighten the screw on the tower. In the beginning, I plugged in the USB sticks to see what would happen. Another thing I looked over was the parts in the cabinet. I saw rails, but I took the track. I was thinking of adding the track, but I decided not to. The reason why was that the omni wheels would be hovering in mid air. And because of this, I have to make the decision to use two wheels with tracks or a omni wheel with a normal wheel.

Kylie T - 1 hr - AM

I wanted a couple of videos about robotic arms and one about this Hover Camera. The Hover Camera can float and stay wherever you place it in mid air. There's these scientists who are making this robotic arm for people who had to have their arms amputated.
Today we created a Cisco and linked-in account. I successfully created the accounts. Lastly, we worked on the robot club and the personal project Dalek. In robot club we combine the accessories and the car worked also the Dalek but for the Dalek we need a code for it.

Ivan Perez - Am - 60 minutes

In open lab today John, Mateo, and I worked on our color sensing project. We connected to the servo motor to see if it was functioning like it was supposed to. I also kept writing down the RGB codes for more of the m&ms. I will continue to write down the max and min values for each m&m to implement in our code.

Connor Guzikowski - AM - 1 Hour - Robot Club

Today I made some progress on the Robot Club project I am working on. I was able to hook up the flex sensor with the servo, and was able to control the servo with the sensor. My sensor was not able to be super accurate though, and was making it hard to put the servo in the position that I want it to go to. More research will be needed for me to be able to use the flex sensor correctly. The other thing I did was to solder the flex sensor (which had flat pins) to a male to female wire so I can easily plug in the sensor to an arduino or breadboard. I also used shrink tubing for the first time, which was quite simple.

Karson Chu AM- 1 hour- I have downloaded the Magicmirror software on the raspberrypi

I got the image for the magic mirror. I was setting everything up. I looked up a code to start the magic mirror. I have download and copied the code to the terminal. It took a while for the code the download and run. I eventually copied most of the code started to run it which was successful. The only thing is that the date and time is wrong. I was trouble shooting how to change the time to the exact date but I still can figure it out.

11/6/19 julian z AM -1 hour

Today i spent my hour figuring out how to take a part a ps2 for a rebuild. I also was looking into marketing for my business.

Michelle- AM - 9:24AM - Figuring out the Vex Robot

Today me and Theo were trying to figure out the base for the first 15 minutes. We decided to use Theo's idea a basic base from the instructions and use tank wheels but if his idea does not work, we'll go with my idea. While Theo was busy organizing the materials, I was starting to build the base. I thought I knew it'll be busy but I didn't, so I learned to read the instruction really carefully.

Austin Latour AM 1 hour open lab

Today for my one hour of open lab I did more research into getting an arduino to read midi files and do something. I found some helpful links and I need to still understand what to do as I am very confused an what is in the MIDI library for arduino and how to use each part. Here are some links I looked at today:

I need to read and watch these videos to get a clearer idea about how to even begin to code. I hope that this weekend I can get a family friend to help me program my stuff.