Friday, May 17, 2019

james-pm-1hr-worked on computer

I basically fixed a couple issues I was having with the power rails

Friday, May 10, 2019

james-pm-1hr-worked on 8 bit computer

My ALU and all three registers are now in working order, by the time I get back I will have a working RAM.

Nicolas Yousif-AM-5/10/19

My team and I made ice cream using thermodynamics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, May 9, 2019

PM-open lab - 30 mins

Today I continued on fixing and editing the ALU to make sure it works. I so far got the first register to work, now I need to get the second one to work. I also managed to point other classmates in the right direction when it came to building the registers.

PM - Alan Le-Hoang - Clock Logic Repair

I found errors with the clock so I had to attempt to debug, I'm still missing something though

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

5/7/2019 Dylan Nguyen

I finished Logic Gate Identification worksheets. I understand the difference in NOR and NAND when it comes to setting and resetting.  I watched 2 videos : D Latch and D Flip/Flip. I may need to watch the video again to fully understand the whole concept.

Monday, May 6, 2019

Friday, May 3, 2019

5/3/2019 Dylan Nguyen Pm

On Friday, I was in the medical science class.

Lindsey - AM - 90 mins - Table top bot fun time

Today I worked on the table top bot and we got it to work autonomously and it didn't drive off the table. We used ultra sonic sensors, but at the end we changed it to limit switches.
Table Top Blog

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Jordan Fronko PM - Random activites

Today During Open Lab I first submitted my d-latch video to flipgrid. Then When I finished the video, there was open lab, so I then worked on breaking down the old notebooks to be thrown away and used again.

Makeup part 3 and 4 Dylan Nguyen

Yesterday, I got the blue lights working. Today, I watching a bunch of videos on how computer functions.


How a computer works

  • Input,store,process and output

SR latch


james-pm-computer wiring

I have been rewiring the ALU for some time now