Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Lupe-PM-1hr-Open Lab: Placing the Components in the Correct Place Using a Low Quality Glue Gun

Today I worked on setting everything in place. 80% of my struggle and time was trying to get the glue gun to function properly. It wouldn't heat up the glue and when it did, the glue was not hot enough and would dry up quickly. It was super annoying. I finally got it working and placed everything where it needed to be. That was the most satisfying part of the whole thing. I also found out I need thread for the fishing line instead of using actual fishing line. The fishing line is too hard to wind up and tie. Nguyen and I will also need help setting up the sensors and the motor, just a little advice on how to set it up for what we want to do. Nguyen worked on the code for the motors and the sensors and they seem to be working. We got some progress done and will may be finished by the end of the week.

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