Thursday, November 14, 2019

Christopher - AM - 1 Hour - Rube Goldberg

During the first five minutes of the Rube Goldberg project, I finished working on the magazine assignment. For the magazine assignment, I looked into how the brain functions. As for the Rube Goldberg project, my partner and I worked on the servo motor. I assembled the servo motor with one dial, and then added an additional dial on top of it. This would result in a + shape design. The idea behind this was that a fishing wire would be placed under the first dial and then be attached to the other dial. The resulting design would be cause their to be an U shaped hook. Ultimately, the fishing wire would be attached to a cardboard platform. Once the sensor detects a presence, the servo motor would activate lifting the cardboard platform. The platform is slanted down, and so once the servo motor turns on, the servo motor would lift the platform creating the bridge. One of the issues we have though is that we likely need at least a 180 degree motor if not a 360 degree servo motor for more power. The other plan we came up with was that instead of using the motor, we would have a fan blowing up the cardboard. At the end of the day, we decided to use a servo motor.

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