Thursday, January 23, 2020


WHATS UP GUYS, its me Theo back at it again with another blog post! So for today during open lab we had a meeting about the skills usa competition and discussed things that need improvement for our robot. For Michelle and I we both agreed that the camera mount could be further improved upon as well as the location of the claw. The issues we had with the camera was that when piloting the robot, if to much turbulence is inflicted on the robot the camera tends to move and even shift. This is due to the rubber band strap system we had attached to the camera (couldn't make a better one due to time constraints) but we will make a better one. As for the location of the claw we plan to move it closer to the middle of it and not have it in the back to better our center of gravity when going up a ramp. That's it for today I'll see you guys later!!

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