Friday, September 27, 2019

Jerico-PM-Hour?-Magic School Bus

Gave Construction Measurements for the Panels on the school bus.

Feature Creep:

SoundBoard for voice lines

Blinking Eyes for the bus(have to custom Build)

Lupe Castillo-PM-60min- What I did during robot club

I worked on my next factor slides and studying some coding. Then i researched raspberry pi and stepper motors.  I think Angel found a really good website that helps with wiring and the code for the motors for our dog project. .
During open lab Angel and I worked on our flex next slides and with the feedback we received to improve our slides and allow our audience to better understand what we are saying. 

Working on my last day weekdays

                                                                                                                                        Anthony Buccat
Well today we did a presentation today and ended with ideas of notes then I did 34 mins on the presention then 14 mins on my halloween project then help out little with the magical wheelchair group then rest little

Michael PM 2:16 - 3:30

You helped me out with the 3d printing part of my project.We couldn't figure it out and then we did.Now we are printing the body now. I want to make some ajustments to the leg and put some ruber pads on them but I don't know how to change it at all.

Kyle Todd - PM - 1 hour - Open Lab

Today I started the measurements of the camera tower Mr. Burnham wanted to me to help make. Towards the end of class, I started cutting out the PVC pipe measurements for Mr. Burnham as the base was ready to be modified later on.

Maya-PM-45 min-Robot Club

I'm still figuring out the exact measurements for the different parts of the wheel chair, but using the new information about the different measurements of the actual wheelchair, we adjusted the 3d model to kind of match the real measurements. We spent a lot of time trying to coordinate with the construction class to get some of the larger pieces cut, and then towards the end of class i was looking at different code and potential theme songs that we could get the wheelchair to play.
3D model:

Cindy - PM- 60mins - Tardis and Tinkercad

In open lab today, I played around with Tinkercad and tried designing a pair of  glasses for a prototype. I then found another design on Tinkercad of a pair of glasses that would work. After that, my robot club cleaned the closet doors for the Tardis and was about to glue it. Later, we measured the length in which we need to cut the wooden planks to accommodate the handles of the closet doors.



timothy - PM - 1 hr - robot club box and moniters

Today i started with helping everyone with the moniters and moving them from the shelves into the cabinet. After me and cindy started deciding when to do the robot club tardis project and when we are going to glue the boards on. And we had to account for the cabinet's handles and locks so we remeasured how long the board was going to be and we are going to saw the boards again and glue them on next week.

Nguyen- PM- 60 mins- 37 sensors project

15 mins, I helped others to move the computers.
15 mins, Because my sensors are the IR emission and receiver, I plan to read article about how the remote work.
30 mins, I read articles about the IR emission and receiver.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Saul-35min -PM-"jumper cables"

Today in open lab I finally opened the drivers ed simulator,the project I am going to be working on in robot club. I cleaned of most of the dust off the in the stand. I vaccumed the seat and and opened the inside to look into the components. Most of the wires were cut in half.I still have yet to unscrew off most of the unnecessary hardware inside.

Open-Lab Chris Duran PM

Chris Duran

         today i worked on Saturn's ring by trying to put a brake on the back, i also did my Job.

Michael PM 1 hour

You helped me figure out if we can fit the pieces  in the 3D printer. Here is the link to the instructables for you . And I asked you if you had the 12 servo moters and arduino mini pro. Now all i Have to do is print the parts and such

Some Upgrade in Hump Days

                                                                                                                                         Anthony Buccat
Today I was working on a project on my costume for Halloween and reseach the resouces I need on my own laptop on 47 mins working on it even I help my freind little on his project as well for like 10 mins then do my job that was if the drill key is there well is there so that all I did today.

Kyle Todd - PM - 45 min - Open Lab

Today I have helped scale a proper model of a camera tower Mr Burnham wants me to work on for him for later use. On TinkerCad, I already finished building a rough model of the frame and got the measurements for the base. With those measurements, I am able to properly cut the correct portions of PVC pipe to use in the model when that time comes.

Nguyen-PM- 50 mins - Preparing for building robot.

30 mins, I practiced C++ on Solo Learn. Today, I learned if/ else statement, while, for loop, do while loop, and  able to recognize the different between them.

10 mins, I searched for more resources that can benefit for my project. Then. I found the data robot website.

10 mins, I read some articles about how to build data robot, also searched for the materials. During the last minute, I found some similar structure of the robot that I built last year on this website, and they have some ideas that are similar mine.

Maya-PM-1hr- Magic School Bus

We spent a lot of time looking up headlights for the Magic School Bus, and we have not found any fake toy ones that will work, the closest thing we can find is painting an actual real headlight, which would probably be annoyingly bright if we turned it on. We spent a lot of time trying to modify the current design of the School bus and make it fit the proportions, but we don't know how to make it tall enough for her to be visible and also have it be functional/ storable. I'm not sure how wide it can be also, because the front rounds out a lot and so does the top. The most famous design is also a rocket and those stick out even more than the normal sides would. Its very hard to model and its mostly a bunch of drawings right now.

Cindy-PM-60 min-Robot Club

In open lab today, I worked on building the Tardis for Robot Club. With our measuremets, we headed to the construction class and asked them to help us cut 4 pieces of 72in by 3 in and 20 pieces of 16in by 3 in wooden planks. With the wooden planks, we are going to glue them onto the closet doors, creating square indents on the closet. After that, we would paint the closet Tardis blue.

timothy - PM - 1 hr - tardis box wooded slab parts

Today cindy and i finished the calculations for the parts we need for the tardis project and we took a big wooden board over to the woodworking place and we got the parts that we need for the front side. we will probably glue it on later tomorrow or next week.

Lupe Castillo-PM-60min- What I did during robot club

We discussed motors. We talked about what motors we are going to use and how many we are going to use. We decided that we are going to use stepper motors and we are going to need to use two.  We are going to need to learn how to code in python to be able to use a raspberry pi. We found a few sources and we are going to continue to look into it.
Blog post 9-25-29 open lab
Connor Agu

Today during open lab I partnered up for skilled USA with Nathanille, and I met up with the Fuel cell car group. I looked up the requirement for both of the events.

AM(30min) Hydrocar Yay

We took out the wrong box and tried to drive the car, but we decided to work on Hydro car #2. We noticed that the base was touching the floor, so in the near future, we plan on re designing the wheels. We drive the car around and figured out the buttons on the remote: backwards, forwards, colockwise =right turn, counterclockwise=left.

RIkzin-AM-Robot club

I worked of the hydrogen cars today. We were planning what to and we were moving cars between boxes.

Kylie T (AM) - 30 min

I discussed my robot club project and we found an Instructables that could help us. I also joined the couch potato project.

Nathanielle - AM - 30 Min - Robot Club Project

For my robot club project, I am going to work with Connor Agu for the SkillsUSA Urban Search and Rescue using Dewy. I am also planning to work on the Hydrogen Powered Cars because it seems like fun. The Search and Rescue seems like fun because I like FPV stuff. The hydrogen cars just seem interesting with how it gets powered how to use the power efficiently. Today, i just mostly researched about the competitions and learned what it is about.
Today in robot club I tried to write some code on the Arduino. I also researched how a IR Transmitter and Receiver works and how to use the code on it. You can send multiple signals through the transmitter, so far I have not gotten there. I have tried to get the 2 things to talk to each other but so far I am unsuccessful.

Dylan AM 9/25 25 minutes intro to Hydro powered car

Practiced driving the car, also dusted off the car because it was very dusty.
Familiarized with the parts by looking at the manual and finding the suspension and axles.
Researched the competition, watched some videos. One was a clip of the world championship, other was just a fun drifting video.

Michelle- AM- 9:20AM - Figuring out what to do for SkillsUSA

In the beginning, I was interested in both Vex and Urban Search & Rescue but I decided by the end that I wanted to do the Urban Search & Rescue. Then, the students interested in doing SkillsUSA would have a meeting with Mr. Burnham. From that, I would read about the specifications, rules, and requirements of the competition and figure out who my partner. My partner will be Theo. For my second robot club project, I wanted to work on a project that will help with the Halloween Haunted House. I decided to do the floating candles just to be involved with LEDs but still a possibility.

Karson Chu AM 30 min - learned about raspberry pi

I was look at how a raspberry pi works and I look at if I wanted to join the couch potato team. I used instrustable to look at how they work.

Trey Phillips - AM - 30 Min - Hydrogen Cars

Today I figured out what project I wanted to do for my robot club project and if the title wasn't a dead giveaway, it is the hydrogen powered cars! Today I got to play around with the car and see all of its features through a small amount of research and looking at the car. With my team, I plan to take apart the car and redesign it to fix all the problems we noticed when observing it, such as the low chassis and stiff suspension.

Diego - AM - 30 Mins -Robot Club Project

Decide on our robot club project. I picked the hydro car. Team has to stay committed to the the races or Mr. Burnham will be charged five grand. Dylan paired the controller to the car and we played around with it. Our goal is make the car lighter and faster.

Christopher Hernandez - AM - 30 min - Urban Search and Rescue & Horizon Grand Prix

Today I attended the informational meeting on the VEX competition. When we were there, we decided to work on the urban search and rescue project. After that we went to the web page that had information on the VEX competition. After that, I went to the informational meeting on the Horizon Grand Prix. The web page that talked about the competition was brought up. We also transferred the contents from the AM box to the PM box.

The robot I chosen is the Freeman Lowell.

Theodore Taylor - AM - Project for Robot Club

Hey guys my name is Theodore Taylor and for my Robot Club project I will be participating in the Skills USA competition for Urban Search and Rescue as well as participate in the Horizon Grand Prix for the Hydrogen Powered Car. I'm absolutely excited that I will be able to work on these projects and I cant wait to get started and sketch out some cool ideas for each of them!

Austin Latour AM - 45min open lab: Robot Club

Today for open lab I worked in my robot club group further discussing our plans for the mechanical hand project using an arduino. We created a shared doc where we laid out materials and tools we will need. However I did come up with another idea that I may work on by myself or with someone else. I will further research both and decide by tomorrow or next robot club meeting. I want to build a piano roll perforator, however I would like another person to team up for this project.

Brandon Smith AM 30 min - Udemy course

I'm taking a Udemy course on PID controllers for arduino.

Ive barely started, but I eventually want to make a Trust vector control capable model rocket with avionics and everything. There's a youtube channel calls BPS Space that make products that do this, but I want to make my own.

Ivan Perez - AM - 50 minutes - Kept Working On Sensor

Today during open lab I continued working on my digital temperature module code.  I was having trouble understanding what the number that i was being given in the console was. I figured out that is is the thermal resistance of the sensor and those numbers have to be converted to degrees Fahrenheit. I configured my code to tell me the ambient heat and the thermal resistance in the console. I also joined John in his m&m sorter robot club project.


Today i completed my other project which was a usb killer. Now I am looking for a new project that interest me. I was considering doing a game but am missing certain pieces to create the game. For the next robot club I want to find a project to commit to. 

one smart idea to help you see your future more clearer.

today i learned about Map In. Map In helps you build your future, i recommend it because if you have a big plan ahead of you to what you want to do like becoming an engineer, they will be there for you.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Jerico-PM-35-Open Lab-Magic School Bus

We finished the two PVC Panel Frame work.

Mr. Burnham will Go take Measurements for the Exact location of the Clamps.

Also, Didn't Realize that we weren't supposed to work on Flex Factor. But Our Group, Maya, Anthony, Nguyen, and I are doing a Content check. Third to last Phase of Our Project.

Cindy-30 mins-Robot Club(Tardis)

Today in open lab, I worked on the Tardis Telephone Box project. I found the measurements needed for the wooden planks that are going to be glued to the tardis. We need 4 pieces of 72 by 3 in wood planks and 20 pieces of 16in by 3 in wooden planks as well. The length of the door is 72 in. by 22in. The indented squares on the door of the Tardis door are going to be 16in by 16in. The bottom ledge of the closet door is 4in.

Lupe Castillo-PM-40min- What I did during open lab

We were figuring out the mechanics for our machine. We spent our timing specifically the motor. We haven't exactly decided  which motor we are going to use, but we will decide as soon as we can. Our next game plan will be to work on the code with the little that we know.  we will needs lots of help. We are excited to see the final outcome.

Kyle Todd - PM - 40min - Open Lab

Today I helped in taking apart the printers today and got through about a full printer and a half. I was also getting ideas on helping build a camera tower for Mr Burnham to use during robot club and He gave me a general idea of the model he wants.

Jocelyn P/PM class/ 30 minutes

Today during open lap, my group and I were figuring out the mechanisms for the dog food dispenser  along with what and how the coding the system would  work. We were struggling on how to build the machine and how to format the coding.

timothy - PM - 30 mins - taridis closet thing

Today i worked with Cindy on the tardis project. We made the measurements for the cabinet and we almost have the measurements for all the parts we are going to need. It was a bit confusing measuring and calculating the dimensions of the closet to make it fit with the tinkercad model.

Nguyen-PM-30 mins - C++ coding

I finished the basic concept of learning C++ on Solo Learn, which is 1/8 lesson to get the certificate online.

Maya-PM-45 min-Flexfactor and MagiSchoolBus

I spent a lot of time with my flexfactor group working through the presentation because we need to prepare for the presentation on Thursday, and then we got stopped by Mr Burnham because the Magic School bus project is more important. We measured out the last pieces for the pvc pipe mock up, which needs a few modifications, and took a while becasue people were walking to close or Mr Burnham left the classroom.

Michael PM 30 open lab

I worked on my pinter the hole time and did my job thats it really. didn't work on my project at all plus I need about 12 servo moters any way.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Saul-35-min-robot club

during robot club today,I connected the separated wires that were not allowing the car to hydrogen car to fully operate.Today we were not able to make the car run on hydrogen,since the cells were not fully charged.After,I went outside with Tony to test drive the car,but the batteries were running low and it died rather fast.The following robot club i will try to figure out a better way to wire it so its more asthetic.

Open lab/ Robot club

I am continuing with Saturn's Ring a project started last year 2nd semester.
members so far: Chris Duran

Nguyen-PM-20 mins- Learning C++ on SoloLearn

I spend 20 mins to learn C++ to prepare for my upcoming schedule robot. Today, I just learn how to store input in variable by " cin "

Michelle - AM- 9:27AM - Figuring out Loop Coding Issue with Mr. Burnham

For the past 20 minutes, I've been researching the solutions to the issues that I'm having with my Loop code assignments.

Karson Chu - AM 30 min Coding the ohms code then went on instructable to read about magic mirror

I was finishing up the code for the volts. I was successful in telling what the exact ohms and volts with console. then I when on instruable to read about how the magic mirror is made and the steps to making it.

AM (30 min) Arduino For Loop Code and EC

At first, the For Loop printed the "greater than" or "less than" response correctly to the number, but their was always an extra strain  of "greater than" after each one. I thinks its because I added else (x<10) but I changes it to just else. Then I worked on he extra credit and ran upon an error of the number not changing.

Christopher Hernandez - AM - 30 min - Worked on Arduino Code & Solar Panels

In class I finished working on code for the potentiometer. What I did was that I made sure that the resistance and the voltage of the potentiometer. After I finished the code for the potentiometer, I worked on the for loop code. I added some comments to explain why things worked the way they did. After that I went on instructables to learn how to make a makeshift solar panel. So far I found out that this makeshift solar panel would be able to charge two AA batteries within one or two days. I also learned that these cells would be covered by a glass cover to prevent the cells from getting dirty or damaged.

Nathanielle - AM - 30 min - Researching

I was trying to figure out how to use a specific part of a printer. I think it is a laser but I can't really tell and I am trying to use it. I just need to find the power and ground so that it can be used.
Today in open lab I tried to help Ali understand how the arduino works by explaining the code and how it is used on the arduino board. Some of the things I explained to him was the serial monitor on the arduino. I showed him how to use Serial.begin and how it is needed in order to operate on the Serial Monitor. After that I showed him the arduino website where you can learn and see the different things that are used in the code.

30 min - AM

I watched a couple videos on Youtube about the fastest robots in the world. One was called the cheetah and it can go up to 13 mph, and it was made at MIT. Another video I watched was a robot that was called Spot and it tripped on a banana peel.

Diego - AM - 30 Mins - Arduino Instructables Class

Worked on lesson two of an arduino class in instructables,
I recommend it.

Ivan Perez - AM - 30 min - Finished Lab Worked on Code

Today during open lab once I finished my classwork lab on the journal I started to work on my extra credit for loop. I did not realize that I was that close to finishing my code.

Connor-30 Min-AM

Today I did research on how I am going to do my robot club project. I found an instructable on how to make the robotic hand part. I also messed around with the parts of the printer I was able to salvage, with my partner Austin, and tested what they could do.

Austin Latour AM - Open Lab 1hr. Finishing extra credit and messing around with printer components

For today's one hour of open lab i was able to finish up the for loop assignment and the extra credit. I got help from my teammate to help me fix errors. I also played around with the parts that were pulled from the printers to figure out what they do and brainstorming how we can use them in a future project.

Theodore Taylor - AM - Open Lab project Research/ Discussion

Today in open lab I researched some things on two project I wanna work on. I then talked to Mr. Burnham about it and I can hopefully get started on it Monday! The two projects I hope to work on immediately is the paintball drone or the car/ tank you can drive with your mind, or a remote controller.

Dylan AM 9/20 25 minutes Worked on potentiometer LED and serial print

Finished my potentiometer program. The program prints the volt value from 0 to 5 and gives units.
After I finished I helped other people with their programs.
One person had their  val * .00488 inside quotes, so it printed a string instead of a value.
One person tried setting a variable equal to .005 and multiplied it to val, except they used the int function, which doesn't work because .005 is a float not an integer.

Afterwards, I looked at some of the hydrogen powered cars, that's what I'm picking for my project.
And, I did my custom job.

julian-AM-30min- Continuing lab

I just kept doing the ardunio lab in class. I finally got it to work but I wanted to make it show the exact value voltage.

arduino day- AM

today i learned a new way to set up my LED light. along with new statements with coding.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Jocelyn Palomares, PM. 30 mins; Finishing for loop coding

Well.. I almost had a mental breakdown, but survived. The coding was extremely difficult and could not figure out what was wrong with it. The format was placed in wrong order and I kept forgetting to declare my pin. I received help from Jerico, Maya, and Timothy. 

Michael PM 1 hour and 30 min

my robot club project is quadrapedal spider robot then my second is adding a scorpion tall to it then adding  a garpling hock to it. i worked on my for loop for maybe 30 minuets or 20 minuets. you helped me through most of it though. But we got it to work. I took the most of the time in instructables looking the robot I want to build and then add a scorpion tall to. But my  challenge is the 3d printing part and the servo that I need, I need like 12 servos just for the four legs and then maybe 3 more for the tail. Then there is the arduino pro mini that I have never worked with. Plus the 3d printing is going to be really hard.

Saul-PM-30 min -My very miserable For loop code

During my open lab I got help working on my for loop code so that it was able to meet all of the requirements. I was able to understand how the For loop worked and my code was able to run successfully.

Working PM Class

Anthony Buccat
Class PM

So When we begin our lab time so I start the google docs for studying the History Story about Ros that how it was made in even who the people created it even learn the robots they do is the type like humaniod robots that can use cameras that we can see even new human arm like us to grab and hold etc.
For 1 hour and 30 mins I did the Ros Classwork then I useing the loop code the like 1 hour? or 30 mins or more that I getting confuse how codes works even don't know how to make them correctly then you Help me out teacher so that all I did today.

Chris-PM-1 hour 30 minutes-Recovering the Lost Treasure called Credits Throughout history

(Chris Duran 1 hour 30 minutes) I worked on the Fluke Digital Multimeter class and although i am not done i am close to finishing while also working on the sarcos guardian bot. I was working on assignments that weighed me down especially the multimeter class which takes so long.

Nguyen- PM- 1 hour 35 mins - Schedule Robot Project

Google slide link

30 mins, I do some research of how to make robot, and I find a good robot community Then I read through some articles and tutorials that can benefit my project.

40 mins of working on my google slides, while taking notes from lesson 1 to 4 on

Lesson 1 ( 5 mins ): introduction of robot.
Lesson 2 ( 5 mins ): the advantage and disadvantage between types of robot.
Lesson 3 ( 15 mins ): devices that transform electrical energy to physical motion.
Lesson 4 ( 15 mins ): understanding micro controller.

25 mins of learning C++, after reading lesson of micro controller, I find that C++ is a based language to work on robot project. Thus, I switch to physical work like coding C++ on SoloLearn

Image from Solo Learn.

Cindy - PM - 90 MINS

MY ROBOT PROJECT: Tardis Telephone Booth

Today in open lab, I worked on my code. At first, I was having trouble since I was confused on how to start the code. Once I got it started and ran my code, there were errors. My numbers would go up to 255 and then start going back down. "Ending Main Code Loop" kept on printing after every line, but Mr. Burnham helped me get through the code. I started to understand the format of coding. This was the code that I wrote:

// ============================================================================
const int arduinoBoardLED = 13; // LED on pin 13

void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:
  Serial.begin(9600);               // Use Serial Monitor to debug
  pinMode(arduinoBoardLED, OUTPUT); // initialize the digital pin as an output.
  Serial.println("Running The Setup Function");

void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly
  delay(1000); // just a small delay to slow the main loop down
  Serial.println("Starting Main Loop Code");
  // put your code between here
  int x = 1;
  for (int i = 0; i < 20; i = i + x) {
    if (i == 7) {
      //x = -1;  // switch direction at peak
      Serial.println("hi 7"); 

  // and here
Serial.println("Ending Main Loop Code");


Kyle Todd - PM - Open Lab

Today I finished my Arduino code (For Loop) for an assignment, and it was pretty easy compared to the other codes I had to program into my Arduino. I also started to learn about Robot Operated Systems (ROS) as we just scratched the surface today and digging in deeper tomorrow. I'm starting to get interested in this more now. I'm just waiting to learn more about this project.

Maya-PM-1hr20min-Open Lab and Robot Club

Robot Club(s): Tardis and Magic Wheelchair School Bus.

We didn't have the materials for the Tardis so I decided to work on the Magic Wheelchair School Bus Mock-up. Jerico and I did a sketch for the proportions and then we made a small 6-1 ratio cardboard model of the cardboard, which kept getting interrupted by people asking for help coding, so I went to help back and forth. We got interrupted by break a bit but after that we went back to work. We have a bunch of sketches and the mini model is really rough but it's in progress. We're trying to figure out how to design it so you can still see Reina but it looks like to bus.

Raymond Linton-Kirton - PM - Open Lab

   Today, I restarted my Else/If program for my Arduino. The first project that I did was complete, but today when I checked for it in the files, it was gone. So for the past hour I used for open lab, I spent the time rebuilding my program from scratch. Hopefully, I'll be able to finish this project so I can turn it in tomorrow.

timothy - PM - 1hr 30 mins - arudino code and robot club

I finished my arduino code for the for loops and also the odd even program. I also helped some people that were having trouble with the arduino code. After that I worked on some code for the robot club project that i was doing which is the doctor who police box. I learned many common mistakes in my code and other people's code that will help me debug problems in code a lot better and quicker. Problems i have seen are things like missing semicolons, semicolons after if statements and for and while loops, and a confusion between the ='s and =='s.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Arduino things

today was a good day because i was able to learn new codes for my arduino and seeing the different patterns for my LED light.

Julian- AM - 30 min - Soldering

Today I just finished up soldering and got it turned in. I learned to put the metal near the plastic of the wire or it will become like glue.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Christopher - AM - 30 min - Ardunio LED

I've spent the open lab time trying to make the LED pin flash instead of the board LED. I tried setting it up a certain way, but it wasn't the correct the method. I kept re-arranging the wires but the LED didn't flash. I've done this for several minutes before I raised my hand to get some help. When I waited for several minutes, I tried changing the code to make sure the software worked. I made sure that the LED was connected to the right port, and made sure that all the other pieces of code were working. On Monday, I plan to change the pin mode to be based on the LED instead of the breadboard LED. That was my problem. By implementing this solution, the LED should flash on and off.

michael PM 40 min arduino code

I spent most of my time trying to fix my arduino code and with no luck. that is all I did

Still working on the code set PM Anthony Buccat

Well I help out the Halloween stuff out like 23 mins? then uses all my mins on my code but having a hard time to make the Led Light on with the button.

Cindy PM 20 mins Arduious Code

Today in open lab for 20 minutes, I finished writing my Arudino code to get the LED blinking. I also wired the bread board and Arduino. However, I was not able to get my LED blinking.

Nguyen- PM- 30 mins - Searching needed skills for robot project

I created a google slides for my schedule robot project, so I can type out all of my ideas. For example, I list all my first thought about this robot with questions. Then, I searching skills needed for my project during the last 2 mins. I also check that my schedule robot hasn't created.


During today's open lab i worked on late work. I got a new wire because i lost my old one and soldered it in 3 places and then i worked on programming the random number generator on arduino until the end of the period.

Maya-PM-45 min- Motor

I made a flow chart for the motor project and tried to figure out how to code the motor with the given switched and buttons, but testing it wasn't really working and I tried using my own motor but the wires wouldn't stay in place. Then I tried to practice some soldering on my motor to get a stronger connection. I used that connection to test if the motor was spinning the right way since the actual motor wouldn't turn on. I took a lot of time reading through all the functions in Mr. Burnham's given code and then I tried coding it again. So far I have the motor spinning left, stopping, and then not turning right, even though I am calling the function, and it says on the monitor that it is spinning right.

Saul-Open Lab-35 min-Random blinking LED

Today,for open lab I finalized my code so that it generated a random number and started blinking an LED.I connected my Arduino to my breadboard and got an external LED on my breadboard to start randomly flashing.
  Listed below is my code,along with an image of my breadboard and Arduino;

      long randNumber;
const int arduinoBoardLED = 13;    // LED on pin 13
int myDelayTime = 0;  // Use to control the delay time used when calling delay() function

void setup() {
   pinMode(arduinoBoardLED, OUTPUT);

  // if analog input pin 0 is unconnected, random analog
  // noise will cause the call to randomSeed() to generate
  // different seed numbers each time the sketch runs.
  // randomSeed() will then shuffle the random function.

void loop() {
  // print a random number from 0 to 299
  randNumber = random(300);

  // print a random number from 10 to 19
  randNumber = random(10, 20);


 digitalWrite(arduinoBoardLED, HIGH); //Set the LED pin to HIGH. This turns it On
  digitalWrite(arduinoBoardLED, LOW); //Set the LED pin to LOW. This turns it Off
  digitalWrite(arduinoBoardLED, HIGH); //Set the LED pin to HIGH. This turns it On
  digitalWrite(arduinoBoardLED, LOW); //Set the LED pin to LOW. This turns it Off
  myDelayTime = myDelayTime + 20;
  if (myDelayTime > 300)
      myDelayTime = 10;   

open lab 8/21

on that day i was on tike cad and trying to logging to the blog as you remember i had trouble trying to log in

AM (30min) Switched Up Coding

For 30 minutes, I tested the code I typed yesterday. It works but the lights wouldn't flash fast enough, so I replaced that function  to lighting up 2 light bulbs at the same time. The serial monitor works but the Arduino didn't respond back, so I think I could've switched ledPinA and ledPinB in the code

Sean Wainzinger 30 Minutes Open Lab

Today during open lab I finished soldering my wire and finished my notes. Was not able to finish my coding because it confuses me and the soldering was not that great either.

Diego - AM - 30 Mins - Soldering Lab, Arduino Class in Instructables

Today I finished up my soldering lab then I went on Instructables to take an Arduino class to learn more about the device. I didn't get to far but recommend it for everybody.

Austin Latour AM 30mins Open Lab

For my 30 minutes of open lab I continued to work on debugging my code, as the button was not working in the code. I was able to sort it out but I got a weird code error "exit 1". I got some help.

Connor Guzikowski - AM - 30 min

Today for open lab I used the 30 minutes to finish up my soldering lab. I was able to practice working with the solder and making joints with it.

Nathanielle - AM - 30 min - Finished Soldering

I just finished my soldering which didn't take the whole time. So after soldering, I just messed around in TinkerCad and making some circuits with Arduinos. 

Brandon - AM - 30 min - Tinkercad

I want to challenge myself by making a single engine powered aircraft with a relatively heavy material like 3d print filament. I want to face the same challenges engineers faced when developing the first metal planes.

Theodore Taylor- AM- 30 mins- Finishing Arduino Assignment+ Skills Meeting

Today in class I worked on the coding assignment for my arduino. Not only that but we also went to the Skills USA Meeting and I will be participating again this year. I have participated in this event last year and went to Regional and State competition, and it was super fun! If anyone is thinking about joining I would definitely give it a try, its a huge learning experience and you get to meet so many cool people there from other classes. Seriously guys you wont regret it. :)

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Saul-Robot Club-30 min

Today,what I did for half an hour was analyse the hydrogen powered cars. I analysed the wiring and came to the conclusion that the it needed to be neater and more well put. The tires need to be upgraded as well,preferably some with better traction. Overall this project needs more quality work in order for the car to optimaly function.

PM-Jerico-40min-Magic WheelChair

I am doing the magic wheelchair project. I've started doing a schematic-drawing for the wheelchair to analyze where we should mount the "bus" to.

Which Project I want to work on?

Well I'm still thinking joining the Tower Game thing then I really want to build the Hpyro Cars better than  last year those lazy have no art for the cars so that my idea for now

Kyle Todd - PM - Open Lab

Today I have decided to work on some TinkerCAD and I have made some interesting models including trying to recreate a device in one of my favorite cartoons (Ben 10) ever since I was a kid trying to make a good recreated model of it. I also worked with my flex factor groups and got to work on our presentation for our project.

Cindy PM- 40 mins-Tardis-

Today in open lab, we worked on what materials we need for building the Tardis. We got our measurements from the other day and discussed what materials each part is going to be made of. We decided on foam, LEDs, paint, and thin wood.

Nguyen-PM-30 mins-Idea for Robotic Project

I plan for building a schedule robot, that sets up as an alarm clock. This robot will calculate your time to minimize the waste of time. You will have to update your input, which are what jobs you must to do, the min and max of time of that job, and the rate of important of that jobs. Then, the robot will calculate for you. Also, it will record your face, to remind you, when you don't focus on your job.

timothy - PM - 40 mins - arduino and robot club

I finished my if then else arduino code and then I decided my robot club project will be the doctor who police box. I was working with Maya and Cindy to figure out the dimensions and what materials we need.

Maya-PM-40 Minutes- Tardis Planning

So I decided to take the Tardis Robot Club project and then I measured the closet to see how big the pieces of foam and fiberboard.The closet is 24 by 48 by 72 total.
So far the measurements we have is a piece of foam 72 by 3 by 36, a foam piece that is 24 by 24 by 48 block of any material for the top box, and fiberboard panels. We haven't figured out how to apply the fiberboard and shape it so we have no exact measurements for that.

open lab 9/11/19 Michael Hartley

I was thinking that i would do the vex robots maybe. But  I found  a DIY spider robot that looks pretty cool I looks just awesome here is the link if you want to check it out I want to do it because I could apply some of this stuff to the vex. I really wan to do this but the problem would be the 3D printed parts for the main body.

AM (30min) Hydrocar and Robot Club

We were instructed by Mr. Burnham on how the Hydro-car competition works and the resources that we have. Staying after, we pried at the already built car from last year and tried to insert the hydro-batteries. There was a sizzle, so we immediately removed it. Looking at the components, we noticed how close the base of the car was to the ground and thought of using bigger wheels which means more distance per rotation. We found another car and compared it- even though the new car was uncompleye, it was way lighter.

Austin Latour AM 30mins Open Lab

Today for my 30 minutes of open lab I got information about the VEX robotics competitions. I also got help from a partner to fix my code assignment from yesterday. I got that tested and working.

Michelle - AM - 9:20AM - Creating my own Arduino

I was creating my own code that consisted of variables with inputs and outputs, serial numbers, and constant integers. However, I came upon an issue with my code where my If/Else statement where the void setup cannot print out the code properly. I've tried to search up the problem and did their solutions but they don't work. Here are the following links:

I've tried to close any remaining programs based on their solutions but I still haven't been able to make my arduino blink at least.

Nathanielle - AM - 30 min - Robotic Club Idea

I am thinking about joining the Vex competition and I'm wondering which one to do. I am planning to either join the Search and Rescue or the stacking one. I just need to find a teammate to work with and to find out the rules for one of these competitions. I need to also figure out how to get to the place.
Connor Agu 9-11-19 Open Blog post for skills USA and Hydrogen powered car

I decided to do the Urban search and rescue. The requirement s for Skills USA to to be dedicated to a team that is focused on solving a real world situation, and to be committed to go to  training and competitions.

I also decided to do the Hydrogen fuel cell car I'm still deciding between weather to do the Skills USA competition or the fuel cell competition.

Connor - 30 Min - Robot Club - AM

Today I worked on coming with a robot club project with Kylie, Sean, and Austin. We came up with the idea of making a glove that controls a remote gauntlet. If you move one finger on your hand, you will move the same finger on the gauntlet. Also, for an added twist, if you were to move your hand in a certain way, a flamethrower would be fired from the remote gauntlet.

Diego - AM - 40 Mins - Robot Club Hydrogen Powered Car

During robot club I decided to choose to work on the Hydrogen Powered Car. We will be racing these and doing some training with the cars. We have to find ways to optimize and make the cars better such as making it faster or lighter. The hydrogen power cells are powering or charging the battery in the car.

A. Fuel cell unit B. Pressure regulators C. Hydrogen cartridges D. Electronic Valve Support (D) (B) E. Electronic Control Box F. Aluminum support plate G. Silicon rubber tubing H. Four-port connector (A) I. Fasteners J. Spanner K. Screw driver L. Aluminum plate connectors (C) M. Plastic tie M1. Silicon sheet M2. Filter

Christopher - AM - 30 Mins - Vex Robots and Hydrogen Powered Cars

I've spent my time learning information about the VEX robots and the hydrogen powered cars. For the VEX robots, i'm thinking of doing the urban search and rescue project instead of the stacking blocks project. I then went to the meeting about hydrogen powered cars. I'm planning to join the exclusive AM team instead of the AM and PM team. The reason being that I think that it would be difficult to communicate on what changes should be made to the cars.

Ivan Perez Torres - AM - 30 min - Hydrogen Powered Car Discussion

Today during open lab time/ robot club I continued working on my arduino if, else if, code meanwhile he was talking about the vex robots. I was figuring out why I was getting error codes when I tried to upload it . After about 10 minutes Mr. Burnham called us over to talk about  the hydrogen powered cars. He explained that the goal was to make a car that could last about  an hour or 2 racing on a track and making it as most efficient as possible.

Karson - AM- 30mins- went on instructable and found a project called the magic mirror

Today I went on instructable to find a project. I found one called a magic mirror. I clicked it and read through the steps to build it. These are the links to the magic mirror and the steps to build it. I understand how the process works. 

Theodore Taylor- AM - 30 MINS - Found New Potential Projects To Work On

Today I opened my gmail account and saw a couple emails from Instructables. They had sent me a few emails with interesting projects that I would like to work on in class hopefully. The first one was a Plywood Quintcopter which would be so fun to build. I have always wanted to build something that could fly like either a flying RC spaceship or helicopter or airplane because I loved playing with those when I was a kid so I think it would be interesting to build one myself! Under that post there were projects that were similar or related to the topic of the Plywood Quintcopter which was an Arduino Robot With PS2 Controller. The Arduino Robot With PS2 Controller looks so cool and interesting to me, I think it would be so cool to create and hopefully add onto and modify it to fit whatever purpose. Its also been another dream of mine to make a robot that can move around with a remote control. Another project I found was a DIY Heavy Lift Fixed Wing RC Aircraft  which is basically a flying RC airplane made of wood which I think would also be fun to build. Also to add another one to this growing list I found an amazing super cool project to work on which is the FPV Virtual Reality Arduino Controlled Tracked Robot. This project not only looks super fun and cool, but it is also very interesting and exciting to work on and I would LOVE if I could work on it. To sum it up not only could you see from the robots point of view via camera but it can also read your mind and your brain waves and move on those brain waves!! Its sounds like an amazing project, and it would be so FUN to work on!! Here are some other things I would also be interest to work on which is Making A Low Cost Humanoid Robot Made From PVC Water Pipe material (upgrade) and the Inexpensive Autonomous Humanoid Robot.

Dylan Ang AM 20 min. 9/11/19 Robot Club Project Picking

I listened to Mr. Burnham speak about Vex Robotics projects and also the hydrogen powered cars.
The Vex Robotics SkillsUSA Search and Rescue was very interesting, but I found the Horizon Grand Prix is the most interesting. I definitely want to pick the hydrogen powered cars because I love racing, and tinkering with a robot and have competitions based on performance really really appeals to me.

I am watching races and other videos about the hydrogen powered cars.

My job was to clean solder stations so I wiped it with wet wipes and threw away the extra wire stripping and solder blobs.

Rikzin - AM - 25 mins - Robot club choices

I learned about all of the options that I have to choose from. I got the run down about vex robotics and the skills USA challenge. I also learned about the hydrogen powered cars. I am still deciding which option to choose.


Today I was practicing soldering so next time we have robot club I wanted to be able to solder my usb. I want to make a usb that is able to shoot volts into the usb port allowing it to turn anything off.

AM (30 min) Robot Club

Discussed with Sean and Connor and what we wanted to to for Robot Club. We talked for the whole time about different ideas. Then Austin joined our group.

Robot Club 9/11

Today in robot club I listened to 2 of the projects that I am interested in. The first one was Vex and it is a robot competition that has 2 game types. One is grabbing as many colored blocks as you can and the other one is using a camera to try and find something. I dont know what they are having us do, but you have a camera on the robot and you have someone looking at the screen and you make the robot move and search for whatever it is. The 2nd project was hydrogen powered cars. It seems really cool, but I am having second thoughts about it. The competition is an endurence test of the cars and has the potential to last for hours. I lost interest and now I am thinking of doing the Vex competition, but I dont have a teammate.
today i spent my time learning how to do a better and more professional presentation.

Monday, September 9, 2019

open lab Chris P.M

So today i tried the code for the Arduino for 20 min. then tried doing a late assignment but did not have enough time
Today I tried creating a new program on the Arduino. I wanted to create a program that had the variable x = 1 and then have 1 add on to it each time it was printed. I would have an if else part too where as soon as x > 25 it would power pin 5 and I would power a motor connected to it.

Friday, September 6, 2019

Christopher - AM - 30 Mins - Worked on Arduino Board

I spent the open lab time reviewing the lesson, "Building Your First Circuit..." to make sure that I had all the circuits and wires in the right positions. I also organized the Arduino files to make it easier for me to find my projects. It took me longer then I expected it to be since I realized that I couldn't have one of the saved projects be by itself; it had to be within a folder. After organizing the files, I went to continue the digital pins lesson. I was playing around with the Arduino board but the LED didn't flash. After trying this for several minutes, I found out that I was missing code. I added the code, and then everything started to work. When I pressed the button, the LED will turn off, when I release the button, it will turn back on. For the remainder of the day, I did my custom job of cleaning the printer area. I picked up a lot of the metals, plastics, and some wires that were on the floor. I also cleaned the tables as well.

Jerico-PM-Hour-Solder Station; Look up Data Sheet;

So today I started the Solder Project after missing a lot of class. I did four wire splices so far, probably going to do another 10 at least. Side thought, can I bring my own Equipment?

Second, I just found the Data Sheet for the AT2-010-000-SP.
Data Sheet & mini tutorial

open lab

I sorted the resistors while also doing my open lab job early
First with our open lab, my group and I focused on which design we should use for our dog food dispenser. It was between a kind of space ship design and gumball machine design. We decided that it would be best to allow John decide this. Then we came up with a list of questions to create this personalized to his liking. Some questions were where he would place it and what size he preferred for his household. Next, with Lupe,s help, we did the costume job that was given to us along with my normal job.   

open lab Michael PM

I did a super helpful job for Mr Burnham which was set up the work stations which took about 10 minuets. Got and worked on a new printer and it was rough going we haven't made it to the in parts yet. I am also doing my job as we go picking up the little pieces as we make them.

CindyTran PM: Audrino & Labeling Chargers

Cindy Tran PM
      Today in open lab, I finished up Audrino lesson 12. From the video, I learned where to place the resisters, button, connectors, and LED on the breadboard. I then connected the Audrino board to the computer. After playing with the Audrino, I labeled some power chargers with 24v.

Saul-60- Open lab- UPD-2 research

 Today in open lab I finished my assignment into flip grid,concerning what a breadboard is and its functions. Essentially, a breadboard is a temporary solderless electrical circuit that can be used to test functioning circuits.

     The super helpful job that I spent working on was researching the KELE Universal Pulse Divider. The UPD-2 detects pulses from electric meters and pulse sensors and then outputs them as a single pulse based on a set amount of concentrated pulses.The UPD-2 provides two seperate channels for measuring these pulses.

Maya-PM-1Hour- Hectic OpenLabTime

First I had to finish my arduino udemy course, and I got to lesson 13, but i'm not 100% sure how it works,  and thin I did the flipgrid video about breadboards. I then Worked on clipping a bunch of resistors for 15 minutes, and once that was over I tried to finish my printer, but it took me a while to get everything opened up, so all I was able to get was another 2 motors, which I think I accidentally bent a bit, so i hope they will work. I started my real job but I didn't schedule my time great so I didn't do a great job.

Nguyen - PM - 40 mins - Learning Java for upcoming project.

1) Coding 20 mins
Java is a popular programming language, and Java works on different platforms ( Windows, Linux, Raspberry, ...). Therefore, I start to learn Java on HackerRank, and also take note from SoloLearn & W3School. First, in order to get the out puts, we must define a class name, then when you save, that file will have that name. Second, I learn new syntax of System.out.println and System.out.print, which to print the out puts. Finally, // and /*   */ are used for comment. Also, I learn how to name variable to store the input.                    hackerRack link                 w3schools link                        Solo Learn link

2) Extra job 10 mins
Cleaning cables.

3) Working on Printer 5 mins

tim chan - PM - 1 hour - flip grid, job, printers

I finished lesson 13 for the arduino class and learned how to use a potentiometer and how it works. After I finished my flipgrid video on how breadboards work. Then i finished the job to put all the 24V power supplies into ziploc bags and into the bin. Then after that I worked on the printers a bit more

Good Start Upgrade of Classroom

We did nearly 30 mins setting up the station for the Mr. Burnham that what he want so we fix the station up and were finish.

Saul -PM- open lab for robot club

           After seeing all the projects that are available for robot club,the projects that I am most interested end boil down to the "Mars Rover". Although both the Hydrogen powered RC car  and the the submersible RC submarine has really peaked my interest,I can confidently say that I am more drawn to the "Mars Rover" project with the race car display. I want to take charge in making this my project for the robot club strictly for the Aerospace side of it. I am very much drawn to advancing technology that will be used in space systems and research. Being able to make this my robot club project will allow me to make an operable semi-replica of a Mars rover,which I can use as leverage for my future Aerospace career. I know that this robot club project will take many many hours to complete and it will be very complex and at some points in the process very irritable ,yet I am more than willing to take on the challenge.

9/6 AM (30min) Arduino Udemy

- taped name to soldered wires and turned it in bin
- continued with Udemy Arduino Course: finished lesson 11 and half of lesson 12--> finished creating breadboard circuit and started to code
-difficulty: couldn't hear the video--> turned on subtitles but it isn't correct
                  Telling which side is positive and ground on the Arduino
- job and cleaned up

Michelle - AM- 9:25AM- Soldering with Little Time

I wished that people would share me the soldering iron because I only had 15 minutes to solder, so I didn't have alot of time to solder it perfectly. I'm sad that my soldering was done poorly but please consider the fact that there was only 4 devices to use and no one shared it with me because they hogged it.
Connor Agu
9-6-19 open Lab blog post

Today during open lab I did soldering. I did three different connections. My goal want to try to make the solder as smooth as possible along the expose wire area.

Kylie Townsend AM - 30 min

I worked on soldering wires today for whole 30 minutes. But the solder machine thingy wasn't working right and it kept dripping solder.

AM-30mins- Arduino/printers

In the free time that I was given, I completed the Arduino project/tutorial through the 13th video. I was also able to take apart two motor mechanism.

Connor Guzikowski - AM - 30 Mins - Open Lab

Today I worked on soldering and got closer to finishing the assignment. I am not yet finished though because I had to share a soldering iron with others. For the last couple of minutes I did my class job of vacuuming around the table area.

Ivan Perez Torres - 30 min - Soldering

 In today's lab time we were given 30 minutes to do something productive. I decided to use my time to finish my soldering project. Last time we worked on it I only had time to finish one connection. So I had to finish the other 5. I also continued watching lesson 12 of the arduino class on udemy.

Nathanielle - AM - 30 min - Soldering Training

I did continued to do my soldering stuff. I cut my wires to expose the insides and then twisted it together so it can be connected. I think the hardest part was to actually join the 2 exposed wires but I solved that by just doing it and kept practicing.

Austin Latour AM 30mins Open Lab: Takijng Apart More Printers

Today for my 30 minutes of open lab I worked on taking apart more printers. I was able to salvage a couple of small DC motors from a smaller printer. I tried to get one larger one out, however there was not enough time, as it was buried deep inside the mess of components.

Diego - AM - 30 Mins - Arduino Class Udemy

During open lab time I worked on the Arduino Class in Udemy I almost finished lesson 12 but I am having a it of trouble trying to get it to work.

Trey Phillips - AM - 30 mins - Solder RIng

Today I worked on soldering my solder ring. I made a lot of progress, soldering two more connections. And I think I am making a lot of progress in soldering because as I looked at my connections from wednesday, I noticed that my connections from today were far more smooth.

Looked at colleges

I was looking at UC Davis's website and at their aerospace engineering program. I am pretty convinced that that's where I want to go. I'm certainly going to apply, but if my GPA keeps me from attending freshmen year then i'm gonna apply for it through TAG. Going to a CC for 2 years would also allow me to do the Areospace scholars NASA program.

Dylan Ang AM 9/6 Udemy Arduino course

Finished part 11, got part way through part 12
Have my ardunio and breadboard wired up, but I think I made a mistake because the mini breadboard was upside down. I may need to rewire the whole thing. oops

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

PM-Kyle Todd- Printer

Today I got back to working on taking apart a printer as I was making slow but steady progress. In my progress, I managed to unscrew some stubborn screws and made some circuit boards loose, as well as a large metal rod and scraped most of the metal on the outside and some on the inside. I also helped clean up the desk as well to help out a little.
Today during free time i was taught how to solder by the help of Lupe. I almost completed my necklace, just needing to finish and put it together 

PM- Raymond Linton-Kirton- Arduino

 Today, I watched the 13th video on Arduinos. I learn more on what i was doing wrong with the Arduino because I was transporting the wrong file. I learn that the Arduino wasn't finding the code a wrote for it because I put in the wrong section. I also learn that I mixed up the plugs and put both cords in ground, instead of putting one of them in positive.   


PM class _Open Lab 40 mins

Today, I worked on the arduino while watching the lesson 13. Then, I continued to work on the printer.

Open Lab Time

Today, I finished watching the arduino workshop tutorials. I got midway through episode 14. Also during open lab time,I looked through magazines and was reading about highly skilled automation for use in highly technical fields that use a computer interface to interact with the robot. I learned that DOF means degrees of freedom,this is important because it shows the number of degrees,usually in millimeters,that a robot is constrained and measure by.
I practiced my soldering for a couple of minutes. I learned that soldering is hard and that if the handle is to hot it will burn the wire. Then I watched video #12 for a little bit and learned how to change the brightness on a led.
In today's open lab, I made a bracelet and ring from soldering. There were some parts of the covering from the wire that burned from the soldering iron. For the ring, I twisted two wires together and soldered two of the sections together. I also took apart a printer and salvaged a DC motor and a battery.

Blog post 9/4

Today during open blog i worked to catch up on my udemy arduino lessons and got from lesson 8 to 12. I didnt really have any trouble with doing this but i did almost run out of time.

timothy - pm - 40 mins - taking apart printers

for open lab, i was breaking apart the printers. i found a few motors and found a cool sensor. there was lots of junk like metal rods and other gears and things.

Maya-PM-40 min-Printer Breakdown

I took some time to finish up to lesson 12 of the udemy course and them i finally stripped down all of my printer and salvaged most of things that would be able to work without the board. I got 4 motors, and a whole bunch of sensors and gears that I want to use for my Rube-Goldberg project. Then I finished my daily job.

Jazmin Ruiz AM work done.

Today I learned how to solder onto a wire. Along with continuing to play with the Arduino getting a better understanding and learning new skills.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

AM 10min Arduino Udemy and Printer

I set up the breadboard on the Arduino except for the button. Next time, I plan to get one and test if the circuit works. Kaylee and I also pried open one side of the printer and found a fan, glass/mirror pieces, multiple boards, and a dust of ink. A difficulty we had was getting ink on our shirts and  finding screwdrivers that would fit the size of the screws--> towards the end, we found one and lossen as much screws as time allows.

AM - Rikzin Schultens - Printer

I scavenged some parts from the printer today and I cut off some resistors.

Jazmin AM work done.

I learned how to use an arduino, and taking apart a printer viewing how it functions with my group.

AM- Karson Chu opening printer

I opened the printer and I was getting the glass piece in the printer
Open Lab 8/3/19     Open Lab

Today during open lab I worked on getting one of the big circuit boards out of the printer. Since the board I was removing was on the side I had to remove the wires from inside the cover of the printer and I had to take off the electrical connection from the other side of the printer in order ti slide the circuit board out. I also remove some of the the screws on the side to start taking off more side paneling.

Michelle - AM - 9:05-9:25 - Unscrewing Random Screws in Printer

I tried to unscrew any random screws around the Printer. The issue was that I wasn't really successful because I was only able to tear apart spinning gears all connected together in one piece. There were three spinning gears that still worked where I tested it to see if it's still able to spin. I wanted to keep it for future projects but I don't think it would be useful to use compared to a propeller in the printer that me and Nathaniel found that we still need to work on. In the end, I unscrewed at least 5 screws that lead me to tear apart a piece of a printer.

Ivan Perez - AM - 10 minutes - Printer Disassembly

Today during our open lab time I used the first 5 minutes to finish lesson number 11 on the udemy arduino class. After I finished I gathered with my team so we can continue taking our printer apart. I used a Philips screw driver to loosen the screws that were holding the circuit boards together inside the printer.

Nathanielle - AM - 10 Min - Printer Tearing

Today during open lab time, I worked on tearing the printer apart and stealing pieces from it. I had a hard time unscrewing some stuff but I got an LCD screen with buttons on it which is great. Then I helped with opening more of the printer.

Theodore - AM - 9:25am - Learning my job and learning the Arduino

Today during open lab I worked a little bit on the arduino on lesson/ video 11 and was wiring my circuit board. It was pretty interesting and a little confusing but I think I can get the hang of it when I practice it enough times. I also learned a new job today which was organizing the power cords.

Christopher - AM - Worked on Arduino Board

I watched the remainder of the , "Buiding Your First Circuit Uusing a Breadboard" video and followed the diagram in making sure I had the right set up. I had to make sure all the wires were connected to the right button, resistor, arduino port, and ground port. Then in the next video, "Using Digital Pins" I worked on some code in making the LED work. I got to the part where I was setting the input and output before stopping.

Austin Latour AM Open Lab: Printers 10mins

Today for open lab my partner and I worked on pulling more components from the printer. We were able to find two led light sensors.

Connor Guzikowski - AM - 10 min - Printer Teardown

In the 10 minutes of open lab, I worked on tearing down my printer. I was focused mostly on separating metal and plastic, in order to get rid of the printers. I found a new sensor relating to an LED signal.

Trey Phillips - AM/PM - 10 MIn - Printer Destruction

During open lab today, I worked more on unscrewing the frame of the printer surrounding the circuitry and motors that I ultimately strive to pull out. I was able to take off a major portion of the frame and free up a bunch of space for me to wiggle in my screwdriver to the inside of the printer. The only problem is that the circuitry is all interconnected throughout the printer, which makes it infinitely harder to take everything apart without ruining the circuitry.

What I did today - Mateo C.

Today in open lab I thought I wanted to work on a printer. I started on a black printer that had a top that could copy other papers and thought I could get some sensors or cables out of it, maybe even some of those circuit board things. Anyways I was trying to take it apart and there was a hexascrew at the bottom. I went into the cabinet with all the tools and only found star, plus and minus. I tried to snap it apart, but I couldn't because there was the hexascrew at the bottom holding it in. After I tried that I gave up and went on udemy and continued with the arduino class. I finished episode 11 where the taught me about creating variables and manipulating them.

9/3 Dylan Ang AM Drill Bits and Printer

First I did my job, organizing drill bits.
Found all the loose bits in the bin and out them back inside the case according to the sizes that were etched onto the ends.
Then moved on to printer, wasn't very long so I just started with disconnecting wires to use from a PCB so we can save them for the motors

Diego - AM - 10 mins - Arduino Class in Udemy

Today during open lab time I tried to finish as much as I can on the Arduino Class in Udemy. I reached lesson 11 where he teaches us how to build a circuit using the breadboard with the Arduino.

9/3/19 AM entry

today i worked on finishing the Arduino videos and did some coding to work with an led

Worked on Arduino class

I worked on the arduino udemy course and completed the button project. This is just filler since I need about 100 words. So I am trying to be as not efficient as possible with my choice of words. is it working?