Thursday, February 28, 2019

james-pm-30min-project research.

I learned some more about deep learning or machine learning with tensor flow, in order to prepare myself further. I have added a few lines, as per the tutorial, but have not actually been able to have enough code to show a finished or partially finished product.
I have also made some decisions as to what shapes I will be adding. I think triangles, squares and rectangles will be the main objects that I use with these programs. My program will also allow me to test video with a possible modification to the code. I will be able to analyze generated images, and later be able to create some unique video analysis results.

This is an example of what a frame from the program will look. like It can decipher between different shapes by forming an outline and looking at the pixels inside to guess the shape. This has applications in content management, automation, and Artificial Intelligence

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