Monday, January 7, 2092

Pinned Post - Open Lab Expectations

Open Lab Blog - This is where EVERY STUDENT is expected to post what they did during Open lab.  If you don't post here on the day of the Open Lab, then you will not receive the full points.
See the Open Lab Rubric Instructions for full explanation of points
  1. If you worked on your "Official" Robotic Club Project, then just provide a short overview of what you did (20+ words) and link to your project blog
  2. If you did not work on your "Official" Robot Club Project, then put a more detailed blog entry about what you did. (50-100 words + Pictures and/or links or attached code)

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

timothy chan - PM - 1.5 hrs - open lab

today for open lab i worked on the dogtreat project. we worked on adjusting the 3d model of the dispenser and decided to make the hole bigger for the spinning part of the inside of the project. we used a tool to sand down the inside of the spinning part and then we are going to see if the small hole works better or the big one. Then we decided to make the can taller so it could be more practical and created a extention to the thing and we are going to print it the next time we are doing this.

Cindy - PM - 1.5 HRS - Air Pollution Sensor & Solar Energy Plant Research

Today in open lab, I worked on the Air Pollution Sensor. I ran on the sensor and waited for a few minutes for it to collect data. While it was running, I did research on solar panels. I learned that PV cells absorb the sunlight and convert it to DC electricity. Inverters then transform the DC electricity to AC electricity. After a few minutes, I stopped running the I wanted to created a new text file where the data from can be transferred into. However, I had trouble creating the file. Next time in open lab, I plan on creating the text file.

Kyle Todd - PM - 1 Hour 30 Min - Finding Code for Servo Motor

I am continuing to search for a proper code to work the servo motor via Raspberry Pi. I did find another code on one of the tutorial websites on this code but for some reason It doesn't work as it didn't move the servo whatsoever so I'm going to have to dig deeper later on with my partner Joshua.

Maya-PM-1.5 Hours-Skittles

So we got the thing working again and we tested with skittles how many would come through.
We used a Dremel to make the hole bigger and that helped, so now we have to print the other pieces. Since its been months and months and months, our next steps are now to print the upper food holding units, instead of making it bigger, we are going to make it taller, so those pieces are printing maybe. We need to make a storage for the actual computer and lock in the IP address of the ESP, and then Angel is in charge of making the site look nicer.

Lupe Castillo-PM-1hr 30min-Open Lab:New and improved!

I spent the whole time working on a new claw for the robot.

Connor Guzikowski AM 45 minutes

Today all I worked on was some coding lessons. I need to get some wire for my robot club project before I can continue working on it, and I will probably do that over the weekend. For my coding lessons I worked on creating dictionaries and how to use them in Python. I was thinking of different ways that dictionaries can be created and applied to. I think they're a pretty useful way of storing data and connecting it to a value.